Home Breaking News Most Americans Now Believe Obama is Not Trustworthy

Most Americans Now Believe Obama is Not Trustworthy

by Jeremy Holcombe

This probably doesn’t come as a shock to anyone, no matter what side of the fence you are on with Obama, but most Americans now believe Obama is not trustworthy. While this is sad for our country, it shouldn’t come as a shock based on all that his administration has said and done.

A new CNN/ORC poll finds that 53% of Americans now believe that President Obama is “not honest and trustworthy.”

This is the first time that CNN polling has found that a clear majority feels that Obama is not honest and trustworthy. The CNN poll confirms what was reported last week.

The new CNN poll also found that only 40% believe Obama can effectively manage the federal government, down 12%. The Obamacare train-wreck is so bad, it has led some to start referring to the president as “Obama the Incompetent.”

The brutal poll numbers go beyond Obama’s record low approval numbers, to his honesty and managerial skills. According to CNN’s Political Ticker, 56% now say Obama is not a person they admire, that he does not agree with them on important issues, and that he does not inspire confidence.

You can watch CNN’s John Avalon discuss these brutal poll numbers on Political Gut Check in the following video:

CNN Polling Director Keating Holland says the mishandled Obamacare rollout has had a big impact on the president’s perception as an effective manager, and that may be what is driving the drop in Obama’s approval rating.

Holland points to President Bill Clinton to make the point that perceived competency is more important than honesty.  Clinton’s whose overall approval ratings remained high during and after the Monica Lewinsky scandal because Americans thought he could get things done, even though only about 20% thought Clinton was honest.

As always, we must be aware that obviously the entire country was not polled; but given the polls that CNN puts out, it is safe to say that right now, and for a long time to come, Obama and his administration will have to struggle with the image of untrustworthiness.

Original Article Source: RedState.com

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