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Learn How to Start Your Own Travel Business After Retirement

by Jeremy Holcombe

Many retirees still want to do something after they retire. If you are looking into starting a business, why not look into starting your own travel company after you retire? Travel-based businesses are very popular amongst those who are either nearing their retirement year, or are already established in retirement.

The Wall Street Journal recently asked three retirees who have started their own travel businesses for advice — their answers may surprise you. Here is a little of what they had to say.

  • Find a Niche
  • Educate Yourself
  • Don’t Expect Results Overnight

These were the main things all three retirees included in their answers. Finding a niche will allow you to gain ground on a certain market, such as people who want to travel to Asia. A great example of finding a niche is given below:

Sophia Kulich retired in 2005 as a middle manager from General Electric and opened her own shop, Sophia’s Travel, in Palm Harbor, Fla.

She specializes in private excursions and customized itineraries; her niche is Jewish heritage tours and Holocaust research. Work has taken her to Europe, Peru, Israel and Vietnam, among other destinations.

Educate yourself, to become more familiar with what you are doing and how do go about it the right way. If you want to make money faster, then you need to know the best marketing techniques to get you there.

Expecting results overnight would be silly. Sure, you might stumble onto something that nets you huge profits immediately — but oftentimes you will have to put the work in the get the results, just like everything else in life.

Retirees are often looking for something to do after they hit their retirement years. There are all sorts of options available, and opening your own travel business is high on the list.

Article Sources: Wall Street Journal | WiKi, How to Start Your Travel Business

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