Home Money Unemployed? 3 Routes To Quick Income You Won’t Believe

Unemployed? 3 Routes To Quick Income You Won’t Believe

by Louis J. Wasser

If you’re suddenly unemployed, you may want to — or have to — consider supplementing your income.  If you’re not temperamentally suited to a job at your local Walmart, the current economy, for all its pitfalls, still offers hope for you.

It’s best to start with what you know or what you’re good at.  It’s a no-brainer if you’ve been doing one kind of work as a day-job, and are willing to take on a bit more on the side.  But don’t ignore a lifelong interest as a source of extra money, even if you’ve never made a living at it.

If you’re shy, or not skilled in sales or face-to-face networking, the good news is that you can put the word out through social media.  What’s more, even the faint of heart can set up an effective website. Here are three possibilities for part-time work you may want to consider.

But don’t ignore a lifelong interest as a source of extra money, even if you’ve never made a living at it.

Consultant:  If you’ve worked in sales and marketing, accounting, engineering, or in another professional career, you definitely have skills to offer the business community.  You can begin by setting up Facebook and LinkedIn pages if you want to deal with local businesses.  To reach businesses nationwide, LinkedIn is your best bet. Once you define your consulting specialty, be sure to join LinkedIn groups. Those you join should consist of professionals and executives who represent your ideal or preferred clients. Pay attention to particular issues, and what these group members are saying. Your thoughtful reactions or answers to their problems will help set the stage for profitable consultant-client relationships.

Handyman: If you’re handy or enjoy working with your hands, you can always prosper as a handyman.  The biggest complaint about handymen is that they’re unreliable.  Once you establish yourself as a person that shows up on time and gets the job done, you’ll find your business growing through word-of-mouth. Set up a Facebook business page by all means.  But one of the best ways to market yourself is through local real estate agencies.  Their customers are always asking them for referrals for a good handyman to make their houses “show” better.

One effective way to market yourself as a handyman is to put a price-tag on your marketing materials or business card.  The technique seems counter-intuitive.  But if you represent yourself as the go-to guy or gal for small jobs, say, under $1,500, your prospects will have a good idea where they stand with you before they contact you.

Computer Repair Specialist:  If you work well with hardware and software, you’ve got the makings of a thriving small business. A great many people or businesses who use computers are stymied when it comes to fixing, or even understanding, a computer problem.  Again, Facebook is a good way to begin your marketing program.  Also, if local UPS stores or supermarkets have bulletin boards, you may want to post a 3 x 5 card promoting your services.  Joining networking groups like your local chamber of commerce, BNI, or LeTip is also a great way to get the word out.

But stick to your skills and your interests. Once you make them known and make yourself easy to reach, you’ll find yourself in demand. 

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