Home Breaking News Want to Live Longer and Avoid Alzheimer’s? Get Out There and Travel!

Want to Live Longer and Avoid Alzheimer’s? Get Out There and Travel!

by Jeremy Holcombe

Travel is good for the soul. Most of us know this already, as oftentimes travel makes us feel good, and allows us to see things we otherwise would not. But did you know that travel also helps people stay healthier longer — and even live longer?

The Global Commission on Aging, the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, and the US Travel Association put together a study and found that travel, especially for retirement age folks, prevents dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

According to the study, women who vacationed every six years, or even less often, had a significantly higher risk of developing a heart attack or coronary death, compared with women who vacationed at least twice a year. Men who did not take an annual vacation were shown to have a 20% higher risk of death, and about a 30% greater risk of death from heart disease.

The study also showed that travel affects mood, as those who travel are usually much happier and have a better outlook on life than those who don’t.

Travel is an important of health and wellness. Getting out and seeing the world after retirement can really be uplifting, and studies show travel helps retirees to live longer, stave off certain disease, and feel more healthy and alive.

So what are you waiting for? Now is the time to get out there and start traveling. Book your next adventure today and start seeing the world! With science backing up these claims, there really isn’t a good reason not to travel.

Sources: Fox News |  Global Commission on AgingTransamerica Center for Retirement StudiesUS Travel Association

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