Home Breaking News 2013 Health News Dominated by Infectious Disease

2013 Health News Dominated by Infectious Disease

by Jeremy Holcombe

It’s important to follow the news of America’s health. At no point are we totally safe from infectious disease. In 2013, the year was dominated by widespread health issues. Communities across the USA saw outbreaks of measles in areas with low vaccination rates.

According to USA Today, there were several other infectious outbreaks that hit America in 2013 and dominated our health news. These major outbreaks in America included:

  • Influenza (Flu)
  • New Bird Flu
  • Untreatable Bacteria
  • Food-Borne Illness
  • Meningitis Outbreaks

Other health issues included:

  • Brain Mapping
  • Fewer HIV-Positive Babies
  • Mental Health
  • Growing Concerns for Dietary Supplements
  • Trans Fats

Also, the FDA also issued a stern warning regarding a controversial Houston doctor who was the subject of a USA TODAY investigation. The doctor, Stanislaw Burzynski, has been treating patients with an unapproved drug through an FDA-sanctioned clinical trial since 1996. The FDA put that trial on hold, however, after the death of a 6-year-old New Jersey boy.

As we move into the New Year we will look to see what happens in America when it comes to health and disease. Scientist are constantly working to improve health conditions, and to find new medicines that can treat diseases.

We will look to 2014 for a better year healthwise, and see what new cures scientist come up with.

Sources: USA Today | FDA

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