Home Health 10 Super Foods for Men Post 35 to Boost Health

10 Super Foods for Men Post 35 to Boost Health

by Bruce Haring

Though 35 might just be a number for many men, as a man, your body starts deteriorating in a very gradual manner around this age. Similar to women, who need to pay extra attention to their diet to avoid breast cancer, men also need focus on their diet to prevent themselves from obtaining prostate cancer and other serious diseases.

Moreover, men who have more of a chance of suffering from a cardiovascular disease, also need to provide themselves with the appropriate amount of nutrition. Though nothing can beat a healthy diet and regular exercise, here are some super foods that are recommended for helping you boost your health for the short and long term.

Zinc Rich Oysters

Oysters are a rich source of mineral zinc that is essential for carrying out hundreds of body processes like cell repair and DNA production. Zinc also protects your body against cellular damage that may aid in the prevention of prostate cancer. As zinc also increases your sperm count, it is often considered an aphrodisiac. Legumes, lean pork, and shellfish are alternate sources of zinc if you don’t find oysters palatable enough.

The Good Old Banana

Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium, are a quick source of energy, and contain vitamin B-6. All these minerals and vitamins are poignant for your nervous system, cardiovascular health, metabolism, and offer you the energy you need to be productive in anything you do. Have a banana during your breakfast or just before you workout. Milk products, orange juice, and tomato products are all alternate sources of potassium as well.

Fatty Fish to the Rescue

Fats are essential for your body, and in particular omega-3 fatty acids. This good fat helps in regulating blood flow, enhances you immunity levels, and reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids are also highly recommended for people who engage in high intensity workouts. Salmon, tuna, and sardines are some of the richest sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. Alternatively, you can also try flax seeds, soy, and walnuts.

Broccoli at it Again

If you are worried about heart diseases and cancer, start including broccoli in your diet. Broccoli is rich in vitamin c, potassium, beta-carotene, and sulphoraphane which is a strong anti-carcinogen. If you still loath broccoli like you did when you were child, you can have cabbage, cauliflower, or sprouts instead.

From the Amazon, Brazil Nuts

Magnesium and selenium, which play a crucial role in preventing cancer and heart diseases, are abundantly found in Brazilian nuts. These nuts are an import from the Amazon. Selenium also reduces LDL, a type of bad cholesterol. A single nut is enough to fulfill your daily dose of selenium. More than two is too much. Tuna, roasted nuts, shellfish, and turkey are also solid sources of selenium.

Nothing as Good as Whole Grains

At times, you tend to concentrate so much on essential vitamins and minerals that you tend to forget that fibers and carbohydrates are critical as well to keep your body functioning properly. And there is no better source for them than whole grains. Products made from whole grains like pasta are also fine. And whole grains also help you fight the cancer bug.

The Humble Soybean

Around 80% of men develop prostrate issues after the age of 60 and some of them turn cancerous. Thus most men are at risk at around this age. One of the super foods that may alleviate some of your concerns is soybeans. Rich in isoflavones, soybeans directly affect your prostate and are shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Soybeans also reduce the risk of heart diseases to some extent.

From Berries to Cherries

Any berry or cherry with a red or blue color in it should be a part of your diet. Berries and cherries are a rich source of flavonoid that have antioxidant properties. Berries keep your brain healthy thus reducing the risk of succumbing to age related problems such as dementia. Having fresh berries throughout the week is prudent.

The Red-Orange Vegetables Family

Red bell peppers, pumpkin, carrots, and sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin c and antioxidants that reduce the risk of cancer. Vitamin c also keeps your skin healthy and helps in preventing skin cancer. The intake of these vegetables reduces the risk of you developing an enlarged prostate.

Any food that is terrific for your heart is also awesome for enhancing your sexual capabilities, which might be another motivator to add the above super foods to your daily diet. Of course you can get most of these nutritional attributes through supplements but what’s the fun in popping a pill when you can help out your body even more by actually consuming the real thing while experience the taste?






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