Home Health 6 Reasons Why You May Not Be Losing Weight

6 Reasons Why You May Not Be Losing Weight

by Bruce Haring

You are working SO hard, eating “clean” and working out but you aren’t seeing the results you want. Putting in all the hard work and feeling like you aren’t getting anything out of your efforts can be very frustrating.  You may ask yourself, what’s the point!?!

For those of you who are working SO hard and still not seeing the results you want, I’ve compiled a list of  common factors that may be slowing your results.

  1. Stress.

Stress = increased cortisol = slowed metabolism = fat storage! Cortisol is known as “the stress hormone” and in today’s world, stress levels are at an all time high. Cortisol not only can result in increased body fat, it has also been linked to serious health issues.

Keeping your cortisol levels at bay and learning how to manage them can help you in your weight loss journey. It is definitely easier said than done but it is something that needs to be worked on daily. Here are 4 things you can do to help cope and decrease stress levels.

  1. Surround yourself with people who pick you up and make you feel good. Those who see the glass half full and NOT half empty should be your besties!
  2. Take a few minutes each day to focus on your breathing and nothing more…
  3. Sleep! Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
  4. Two positive affirmations a day. One when you wake up and one when you go to bed. Focusing on one positive thought first thing upon waking and before you go to sleep will start and end your day with positive energy.
  5. Sleep.

Sleep helps recharge your batteries. Not only does it reduce levels of cortisol, but also produces growth hormone (GH). GH helps with fat loss, immunity and helps to keep your organs functioning optimally.

Believe it or not, lack of sleep can also lead to excess eating. Just like how dehydration can be misconstrued as feeling hungry, being sleepy can do the same thing. Aim to get 7-8 (9 would be nice but I am being a realist) hours of sleep a night to drop that cortisol and increase your GH levels.

  1. Water.

This is a big one! One that is so simple and gets so easily forgotten! Water is HUGE. If you aren’t consuming enough water, not only are you not flushing your body of toxins but your liver has to work in overdrive. Dehydration will also cause your kidneys to not perform correctly.  Your liver regulates your fat metabolism and if it is working overtime flushing  toxins it won’t be able to concentrate on burning calories, i.e. fat. So, moral of the story is simple, drink your water!

Many experts suggest drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces if you are not a very active person.  But,  I highly recommend that if you workout and sweat daily, you should aim for 3/4 – 1 gallon of water a day.  I don’t count the water content in shakes, coffee, foods, etc. This is purely water you drink aside from everything else.

  1. Proper Digestion.

Your gut often doesn’t get as much attention and love as it should. If your gut doesn’t have the right bacteria/flora, you can experience horrible digestion, gas, bloating and a wide array of sicknesses. When they say health stems from the inside out, it is 100% pure truth. When your gut is healthy and happy, you see it in your hair, skin, nails, and how your body responds to any clean eating, fitness plan. Everything starts with your gut health!

There are things you can do to help give your gut the love and support it needs to optimize efficiently and in turn help you with your weight loss efforts.

  1. Reduce Stress (refer back to #1 and #2)
  2. Eat smaller but more frequent meals to allow your body to digest each and every meal properly and assimilate nutrients efficiently.
  3. Limit (or remove) sugar from your diet.
  4. Taking a good probiotic can help replenish your good bacteria in your gut and keep your flora in balance.
    1. Slow down when you eat! Be sure to chew your food rather than inhale it.
      *G-Tip: Using chop sticks is a great way to make yourself slow down…
    2. Fiber is your Friend.

Fiber should be your BEST friend! Fiber not only helps with your digestive health but it keeps you feeling full.  Feeling full will help keep you from straying off your diet and consuming unnecessary calories.

You will find fiber in whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal, oat bran, etc.) and of course vegetables. Eat tons of Veggies! The only veggies that I don’t consider free on my plans are Peas, Carrots, Corn and Beets. Other than those and your root veggies, which are considered a complex carb, have at them and eat your fiber. Here are a list of some of my favorites

Brussels Sprouts
Red or Green Bell Pepper
Tomatoes (moderation)
Green Beans
Lettuce (mixed greens)

  1. Sugar.

Sugar, no matter how “organic” or “raw” it is, it is still sugar. Sugar contributes to weight gain and increases blood glucose levels.  While sugar gives you an initial rush of energy, it will then give you a huge dip in your energy levels.  It is also a non nutrient that many diseases feed off of. If you can remove sugar from your diet, you will see a huge increase in how you look and feel.

Removing Sugar from your diet doesn’t mean you have to eat a bland, boring and flavorless diet, it means getting creative and finding ways to satisfy your cravings with healthier choices.
About Gina


Gina Aliotti lives is a renowned fitness and lifestyle expert whose life mission is to inspire and teach others how to stay devoted to a healthy lifestyle in a realistic way. Proving that it doesn’t take much to reach and maintain your results.

Gina received her B.S. in Foods and Nutrition from San Diego State University (SDSU). Earned her IFBB pro-card in 2005 and quickly became one of the world’s top figure competitors, winning many titles including Miss Figure International at the prestigious Arnold Classic and being runner up at the Figure Olympia 3 years in a row. Gina is also a certified Personal Trainer, certified Crossfit Instructor, certified Yoga Instructor, Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, and a marathon runner.  Throughout her tremendous success, Gina found that her true passion is in helping others reach their fitness goals.

As a busy full time working mom of two, Gina has been able to maintain consistency with her fitness by being flexible and utilizing the tools she calls “the foundation” for long term success! Gina teaches these foundational principles in her fitness plans, throughout her social media platforms and NEW line nutritional products. Gina is the co-founder of Devotion Nutrition, ww.DevotionNutrition.com helping people stay #Devoted4Life with incredible high quality products.

Through Gina’s plans, she has been able to help thousands of people all over the world learn how to dig deep within themselves and create a fit, happy and healthy life!

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