Home Health 5 Amazing Exercises to Improve Your Sex Life

5 Amazing Exercises to Improve Your Sex Life

by Bruce Haring

Everyone knows that working out is good for your health. But did you know that when you hit the gym, you can also improve your sex life? According to experts, working out about 3-4 times a week can help your sexual flexibility, endurance, and technique a lot. So what are the best exercises for better sex? Experts recommend five exercises that they say are the most effective in helping to improve your sex life.

  1. Weight Lifting: Strength training could be just what you need to make your sex life better. This is because when you lift weights, your body produces testosterone, which is the precursor for sex drive in men. In fact, there have been some studies that link short intense exercise, like weight lifting, to increased levels of testosterone.
    1. To improve your sex life, you should do some crunches, push-ups, and sit-ups. Muscle-building exercises such as these can lead to better sex by strengthening the chest, abs, and shoulders. They can also increase stamina with strong upper body strength as you use these muscles during intercourse.
  2. Kegels: Kegel exercises are considered good for men because they can tone the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles and help control and endurance. These are the muscles that allow you to stop urine flow midstream. These exercises strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor of your body and this can lead to better sex. Experts say that men can delay ejaculation by doing Kegels as it helps them contract these muscles right before an orgasm.
  3. Fast Walking: Researchers in a Harvard study of 31,000 men over the age of 50 found that aerobic exercise lowered the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) by 30%. According to yet another study conducted, aerobic activities that burn about 200 calories a day (which is equal to fast or brisk walking for 2 miles) can significantly lower ED risk. It is believed that brisk walking can help ED by improving blood flow and circulation.
    1. According to the experts, running, fast walking, and other aerobic activities help in improving your sex life for the same reason that they prevent heart attacks – they help in keeping blood vessels clear. Also, vigorous activities like brisk walking and running releases endorphins which allows you to relax, which in turn can boost sexual performance.
  4. Yoga: Do you want to make your sex life more interesting with new positions? You can have better sex by practicing yoga as it allows your body to get into a range of creative positions to maximize pleasure during intercourse. Experts say that yoga will help your flexibility which in turn can lead to better sex. Some also say that it can help in boosting your stamina in the bedroom by drawing your energy in and up. According to experts, yoga poses that help in improving pelvic muscles are judicious exercises to practice. These include the Peacock Pose, Bow Pose, and Shoulder Stand.
  5. Swimming: According to yet another Harvard study conducted, 160 female and male swimmers in their early and mid-60s have sex lives that are comparable to those in their 40s. Since the act of sex calls for endurance, indulging in activities such as long-distance swimming can keep men going longer in the bedroom. Experts say that swimming for at least 30 minutes three times a week can help in increasing sexual endurance.
    1. It is also excellent for weight loss, which can also improve your sex life. In a single-blind, randomized study of 110 obese men with ED, it was found that when they lost just 10% of their body weight, it helped in improving sexual function in one-third of the men. It is also no secret that when you lose excess body fat, it can help you in attaining those six-pack abs which will make you more attractive to potential partners. This will result in better sex – well certainly potentially more of it. Well, it may not be like Wedding Crashers but you get the picture.

If you are looking for ways to improve your sex life, you should try these exercises. Doing some or all of the workouts mentioned above can help in improving your sexual technique, flexibility, and endurance.

You will impress your mate with your sexual powers and you will also get the added benefit of getting fitter and healthier along the way. With just five exercises, you can make your life a whole lot better in about every way.


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