Home America Now Donald Trump Turns to Capitol Hill for Support — Unsuccessfully

Donald Trump Turns to Capitol Hill for Support — Unsuccessfully

by Jeremy Holcombe

Unless you have been living under a rock — on Fiji — in the middle of the South Pacific — you have heard of the latest dust-up between Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump and the Khans, parents of an American soldier who died in 2004.

Trump has been startling people with his wild statements, accusations, and “YUUUGE”  promises for a year.

The battle royale between the real estate developer and the Khans even has people in South America shaking their heads. Known for years as “Banana Republics,” South Americans are known for their repeatedly poor leadership choices. That being said, when a South American shakes their head in amazement at the current state of American politics, you know there’s a problem.

Appeal to Capitol Hill Unproductive

Trump’s campaign engaged Capitol Hill for support as his attacks on the Muslim parents continued to draw sharp rebukes from Republican party members.

Trump’s outburst against the parents blindsided even his party colleagues who have seen it all.

Former prisoner of war John McCain, the most prominent veteran in Washington, joined with the commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in condemning Trump — reflecting the regard placed on the military and its veterans in America.

The White House campaign has been dominated by Trump’s dispute with the Khans and has threatened the uneasy alliance between many Republicans and the party’s unorthodox nominee.

Rob Wasinger, a former congressional candidate who has been working with the Trump machine, sent an email to senior Senate aides: “We want several members to put out statements on this and would really appreciate your help.”

Trump staffers also sent a similar SOS for assistance to Republicans in the House of Representatives.

The response from the Republicans on Capitol Hill….Crickets.

It’s the Media

One memo begs surrogates on Capitol Hill to push back on attacks on Trump. Trump’s director of congressional affairs, Scott Mason, tried to shift the blame for the latest mess from the candidate to the media — a tactic frequently employed by Trump and his supporters.

“As usual, the media is working against our efforts and our messaging precisely as it relates to the tragic death of Capt. Khan,” Mason wrote.

“We are asking  you to use the attached talking points in your daily messaging.”

Instead, McCain issued his own powerful statement saying, “Donald Trump’s attacks do not represent the views of our Republican Party, its officers or candidates.”

Constitution Outsells Harry Potter

“Let me ask you, have you even read the United States Constitution,” Khizr Khan asked Trump as he held up a small version of the founding document.

“I will gladly lend you my copy.”

By the weekend, a pocket-sized copy rocketed up Amazon’s list of best-selling books. By Monday, it was in a clear Number 2 position, behind “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.”

The Constitution, which turns 229 in August has always been easy to get. A Google search returns numerous links including a printable version at the National Archives’ site. Amazon is providing a digital copy free.

Tangible, pocket-size versions come with an unmarketed feature — a physical representation of U.S. citizens’ rights that can be held up during a congressional hearing, a political rally or a discussion with law enforcement.


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