Home Health Sprint Training: Shed Fat, Build Muscle

Sprint Training: Shed Fat, Build Muscle

by Eric Lumpkins

One of the best ways to transform your physique and to reach your health and fitness goals is by doing sprints. A study conducted in 1994 had two participant groups do 20 weeks of aerobic cardio or 15 weeks of interval sprint training. The sprinting participants saw far superior results – they lost 9 times more body fat and 12 percent more visceral belly fat than the cardio participants! Sprint training has several other benefits too.

Due to the nature of sprinting – near maximal effort, rapid muscle contractions, and a short duration – it does a better job of targeting fast-twitch muscle fibers. That means that sprinting builds muscles that are bigger, stronger, faster, and more athletic. It has also been shown that performing sprints can lead to an increase in anabolic (muscle-building) hormones and a decrease in catabolic (muscle-destroying) hormones. Specifically, sprinting increases testosterone and growth hormone and decreases cortisol, leading to a hormonal ratio conducive to fat-loss and muscle-growth.

Sprint training has also shown to be superior to endurance and aerobic training at improving endurance, cardiovascular health, and work capacity. A 2008 study with overweight participants showed superior improvements in arterial structure and superior decreases in chronic inflammation among those that were in the sprinting group.

Other benefits from sprint training include improving insulin sensitivity, increased efficiency of energy use by the body, improved conditioning and lung function, lower cholesterol and enhanced blood circulation, and even improved brain health and functioning. Sprinting can decrease inflammation in the brain, improve brain volume, decrease depression, and make you feel happier and more alive.

Mental fortitude and toughness will also be improved by doing sprints. Sprints teach you to be fast and aggressive, to let out everything you have. And in return you will be blessed with a speedier, stronger, sexier, and healthier body.

A full sprint workout needs to only last 20 to 30 minutes and doesn’t require equipment besides a decent pair of shoes and a grassy field, hill, or track. Do sprints, save time, and reach your health and fitness goals faster.

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