Home Health 7 Tips for a Healthy Back

7 Tips for a Healthy Back

by Eric Lumpkins

8 out of 10 Americans will experience back problems at some point in their lives. Back pain can make life difficult, even unbearable, but it doesn’t have to be a part of your life. Here are 7 ways to alleviate your back pain and to promote health, mobility, and stability in your spine.

1. Stretch Your Hip Flexor Muscles

The hip flexor muscles have a tendency to get tight from excessive sitting and can cause lower back pain. Be gentle and ease into the stretch. Don’t be forceful or aggressive, rather take your time.

2. Strengthen Your Gluteal Muscles

Weak glutes can often lead to the lower back exerting itself excessively. Strong glutes promote a strong posture and stability in the hips. Do more butt exercises, especially the glute bridge.

3. Stop Doing Crunches, Do More Planks

Crunches are a lousy way to work the abs and they repetitively pull the lower back into an unhealthy posture, which can eventually lead to injury. Instead do more planks, which build stability and strength in your core.

4. Be More Conscious of Your Posture Daily

Pay more attention to how you sit, stand, and pick things up. Walk and move around after long bouts of sitting. Practice good posture as often as you can, and eventually, it’ll become a good habit.

5. Stay Hydrated

Your spinal disks are made up of about 88% water. Dehydration can lead to degeneration of the vertebral disks.

6. Stop Smoking

Its well known that smoking increases risks for cancer, lung diseases, heart disease, stroke, and depression. Not as well known is that smoking damages the spine, contributing to inter-vertebral disc disease and facilitating osteoporosis.

7. Maintain a Healthy Bodyweight

A recent health study of morbidly obese patients found that with significant weight reduction, study participants experienced a considerable decrease in low back pain.


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