Home America Now A Breakdown of the Russian Nuclear Scheme on US Soil Ignored by Obama DOJ

A Breakdown of the Russian Nuclear Scheme on US Soil Ignored by Obama DOJ

by Alison Basley

Obama’s Deal with Russians

In October 2010, Hillary Clinton’s State Department and government agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) unanimously approved the partial sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to the Russian nuclear regulatory body Rosatom. This transaction gave Russian President Vladimir Putin control of more than 20 percent of America’s uranium supply. The acquisition process occurred while Clinton’s State Department was a member of the CFIUS.

Moscow Bribery and Kickbacks Known to FBI in 2009

Before the 2010 deal occurred, the FBI gathered evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials, led by Vadim Mikerin, engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering. This scheme grew Putin’s atomic energy business on US soil, using paid-off US contractors who transported the uranium inside their own country. As early as 2009, the FBI was notified by a confidential US witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry of this scheme.

FBI Finds Russian Nuclear Officials Routed Millions To Clintons

The FBI was also shown evidence in 2009 revealing millions of dollars were routed to the US to benefit Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation. The evidence of these influence-peddling conversations was ignored when the DOJ finally decided to arrest and charge Vadim Mikerin in 2014.

Meanwhile, Russian Bank Pays Bill Clinton Half a Million for Speech

Senator Chuck Grassley has learned additional details about a $500,000 fee the former President received from a Russian investment bank for a June 2010 speech. According to Grassley, the bank’s senior officers include former Russian intelligence officials, and the company is known as an “extension” of the Russian government.

Potential conflicts of interest for Secretary Clinton and the Obama administration are evidenced by Uranium One and Rosatom notifying CFIUS of the Russians’ intent to buy 20 percent of America’s uranium assets the same month the speech took place.

DOJ Ignores Clinton-Russia Uranium Scandal, Lets Mikerin Off Easy

Rather than immediately charging Mikerin, the DOJ continued investigating for four years. Congress and the American public were left in the dark about the Russian scheme. In 2014, when Mikerin was finally arrested and charged, not even a press release was published (until August 2015). In fact, the criminal cases against Mikerin were narrowed to a single charge of money laundering.

Obama Administration Ignores Russian Corruption, Kept Congress in Dark

Not only were key players on Capitol Hill kept out of the loop, but Ronald Hosko, the assistant FBI director in charge of criminal cases during the investigation, told The Hill he “did not recall ever being briefed about Mikerin’s case by the counterintelligence side of the bureau despite the criminal charges that were being lodged.”

January 2017: Iran Receives Uranium Shipments from Russia with US Approval

During the last days of the Obama administration, diplomats leaked news that Iran was to receive a 130-ton shipment of natural uranium. The move was approved by the US and other governments who claim they are appeasing Iran for the nuclear deal.


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