Home Health Why Women Should Lift Weights

Why Women Should Lift Weights

by Eric Lumpkins

Many men and women, perhaps out of insecurity, ignorance, or something else, frequently state the false idea that women shouldn’t participate in lifting weights, either because they will get big and bulky, are too frail, or are not tough enough. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Here is why women should lift weights.

Women Can’t Get Bulky & Manly

Women simply are unable to gain significant muscle mass because they lack the testosterone and growth hormone that men have. Women have 10 to 30 times less testosterone than men do. Instead, women are able to build bodies that are lean, toned, and defined.

Lifting Weights Increases Bone Density

By the time women reach the age of 70 they only have about 50% of their muscle mass left. This loss in muscle contributes greatly to osteoporosis-related bone fractures. A study of postmenopausal women showed that weight training can prevent bone loss and increase bone density in the spine and hips.

An Efficient Fat-Burner

Cardio tends to burn both fat and muscle, while strength training builds muscle while burning fat. And for every pound of muscle you gain, your body burns 35 to 50 more calories per day. Muscle tissue is the most metabolically active tissue in our bodies, which means the more muscle you build, the more energy it takes just to maintain it.

Heart Health

A survey by the American Heart Association found that lifting weights could reduce blood pressure, reduce risk for diabetes, and improve cardiovascular functioning.

It’s the Best Antidepressant

In one Harvard study it was shown that progressive weight training significantly lowered all measures of depression. A couple of 2008 studies illustrated that weight training is an incredibly powerful tool for reducing severe anxiety. Lifting weights is medicine.

Injury Prevention & Functional Movement

Weight training leads to the strengthening of muscles, but it also strengthens connective tissue, ligaments, and the stability of joints. Weight training reduces muscle imbalances and can be a powerful way to prevent injury. It can also improve one’s posture as well as strength and stability when performing everyday movements.


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