Home Money Senator Rand Paul On Board With Senate Tax Bill

Senator Rand Paul On Board With Senate Tax Bill

by Alison Basley

In a Fox News op-ed, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) declared his support for the Senate tax bill and blasted the media narrative that claims the bill, which simplifies the tax code and cuts taxes across the board, “costs” the government too much money. Standing up for taxpayers, Paul declared that “the money you earn belongs to you, and the government has to justify why it should take it from you.”

Paul said he is pleased to see that the plan calls for a $1.5 trillion cut over the next ten years and that the Senate tax plan writers included the repeal of the Obamacare individual mandate, which the Supreme Court has called a tax.

Working closely with President Trump, Paul helped ensure the proposal included serious cuts and the repeal of the Obamacare mandate. While Paul would prefer keeping more deductions, bigger cuts, and making the cuts permanent, for now he is satisfied that the major changes he’s fought for have been included and he believes larger cuts are “achievable” in the future.

Furthermore, Paul called on Americans to hold legislators accountable by urging them to continue to fight for tax cuts. He also called on his colleagues to vote for the Senate bill and keep their word to fight for “what we campaigned on.” Supporters are hoping that the President is able to sign a tax reform bill before January.

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