Home America Now Nancy Pelosi Politicizes Prayer Breakfast, Calls Trump and Tax Reform Supporters “Those Who Prey”

Nancy Pelosi Politicizes Prayer Breakfast, Calls Trump and Tax Reform Supporters “Those Who Prey”

by Margaret Marie

This November, Nancy Pelosi attended the 20th annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast in San Francisco, where she joined other politicians and civic and faith leaders to celebrate philanthropic contributions to improving education in the city. Many philanthropists gave speeches and many prayers were said, however, the Mayor of San Francisco Ed Lee and Nancy Pelosi both decided to politicize the event.

Lee proclaimed that San Francisco is and would remain a “sanctuary city” as the Trump Administration’s battle with cities like San Francisco, who continue to resist cooperating with federal immigration authorities, rages on. Meanwhile, Pelosi used her speaking time to attack those who support tax cuts and want to “Make America Great Again,” labeling them as people who “come out to pray on Sunday” and then turn around and “prey on other people.” She went on to say that “‘Make America Great Again’ is really ‘Make America White Again.’”

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Pelosi called President Trump “45” and the “divider in chief” and said he wants “to keep your eyes off the fact that they are looting, plundering.” She also told the crowd that the Republican tax plans are “trickle-down” economics and a “total scam.”

This isn’t the first time that Pelosi has used her “those who prey” line to attack Christian conservatives and Republicans. In 2013, Pelosi used the line against those who wanted to reform the food stamp program and then again this past January when she said “rural America(ns)” who voted for Trump are in fact “dishonor[ing] the God who made them.” Pelosi and other liberal leaders even went so far as to label a Patriot Prayer rally in San Francisco this past August a “white supremacist rally, even though most of the speakers were not white.

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