Home News Jennifer Rubin Goes Extra AWOL, Says “Special Place in Hell” for Kellyanne Conway

Jennifer Rubin Goes Extra AWOL, Says “Special Place in Hell” for Kellyanne Conway

by Margaret Marie

Known anti-conservative Republican and Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin recently went on a highly inappropriate tirade against Kellyanne Conway on MSNBC for Conway’s comments about Alabama Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore. In an interview with Fox and Friends, Conway stated the Trump Administration’s need for more conservative support in Congress to get key parts of his agenda passed, especially for major tax cuts. In particular, she warned Alabama voters, saying that Democratic Senate candidate Doug Jones would undoubtedly be a “vote against tax cuts.”

Conway was challenged by the show’s hosts, who claimed Moore has lost support among women and lost endorsements from Republican groups such as the Republican National Committee since the Washington Post published accusations of sexual harassment from women claiming to know Moore when they were teenagers. Stopping short of stating a White House endorsement for Moore, Conway insisted that Jones is not a “conservative liberal” but rather a “doctrinaire liberal” who Alabamans could not count on to vote for important economic reforms.

Conway also questioned the double standard in the liberal media and among liberal politicians who have largely refused to call on Senator Al Franken to resign after allegations of sexual harassment accompanied by photographic proof of inappropriate behavior were publicized. Taking a jab at Franken’s past failed comedy and writing career using sexually explicit content, she stated that if liberals were truly concerned about sexual harassment among politicians, Franken “would be in the ash heap of bygone half-funny comedians.”

But this obvious double-standard in the liberal media was of course lost on Post columnist Jennifer Rubin, who laughed along with MSNBC hosts at Conway’s apparent “flub.” Rubin, kicking her anti-conservative persona up a notch to make a downright nasty and personal remark, told viewers that there is a “special place in hell for mothers who defend accused child molesters, and that would be Kellyanne Conway.”

Rubin called Conway’s response “despicable” and “atrocious” and made a general criticism of the Republican Party as being the party of sexual harassment defenders, going so far as to name Reince Priebus, Paul Ryan, and Mitch McConnell (though none have defended Moore). She, of course, fails to point out in any columns or TV segments Nancy Pelosi’s all-out defense of Franken and John Conyers and the controversy surrounding the recently revealed sexual harassment settlement slush fund used by Congressmen.

But Rubin isn’t the only DC elitist to make strong comments against Conway. Former Bush Administration ethics czar Walter Shaub has since accused Conway of violating federal ethics law. At this point, you have to wonder if the swamp will ever realize that this is the very hypocritical behavior that is pushing Americans to want to drain it by electing people like Roy Moore?

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