Home America Now Republican Congressman Introduces Bill to Criminalize Sanctuary City Politicians

Republican Congressman Introduces Bill to Criminalize Sanctuary City Politicians

by Margaret Marie

In response to the disheartening non-guilty verdict in the murder of Kate Steinle by an illegal immigrant, Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN) introduced a bill on December 1st that would SLAP politicians in prison for failing to enforce federal immigration law. The Stopping Lawless Actions of Politicians (SLAP) Act states that those who enable sanctuary cities by refusing to cooperate with federal authorities to deport illegal immigrants could face up to five years in prison and a $1 million fine.

Rokita said, “If they’re going to act like criminals themselves, if they’re going to put the interests of these illegal immigrant criminals above the safety of their own citizens, then we ought to lock them up.” He added, “It’s time the federal government gets serious about enforcing immigration laws and holding politicians accountable who conspire to break them.”

The Congressman slammed local officials for endangering the lives of citizens, such as Kate Steinle, saying they “don’t get to pick and choose what laws to comply with.” According to Fox News, Rokita also supported “Kate’s Law” which was approved 257-157 by the House in June. The law stipulates that an illegal alien who was deported three or more times will be fined and imprisoned upon being caught in the United States.

The man who killed Kate Steinle, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, would have been subject to such a law after being arrested by officials for the murder. Zarate entered the United States illegally 5 times and had seven prior felony convictions. Of course, while the Department of Justice and ICE officials have stated that they are looking to deport Zarate, without protections such as Kate’s Law or an expanded border wall, he could end up sneaking back into the US to cause more harm.

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