Home Survival 10 Items for an Urban Survival Kit

10 Items for an Urban Survival Kit

by Richard A Reagan

According to the US Census Bureau, about 80 percent of the US population lives in urban areas. That means that many bits of prepping and survival advice that might make sense for those living in rural settings or those with large amounts of land may not hold for urban dwellers. Particularly for those living in apartments, condos, or rental housing, purchasing a generator, storing gasoline, buying tents, etc. may not be feasible.

Not to worry, however, because no matter how small your living area, you can still prepare for any eventuality. Here are a few of the key items to put together for your urban survival kit.

1. Water

You can survive for weeks without food, but only a few days without water. If you live in a small apartment you may not have the ability to store huge amounts of water, but you’ll want to store water any way you can. Whether that’s single use bottles, gallon jugs, or larger containers, you should have at least a week or two worth of water on hand. Figure on each person in your household using one gallon of water per day.

2. Water Purification Tablets

You may not always be able to rely on your own stores, or you may rely on tap water that is no longer able to be treated. Or in a worst-case scenario you may find yourself resorting to drinking rainwater. Make sure you have some way to treat possibly contaminated water to make it potable. Especially if you aren’t able to boil it, having water purification tablets could be the difference between life and death.

3. Food

You’ll want to make sure that your pantry is well-stocked. Be sure to have foods that are easily consumable without cooking and that are calorically dense. Canned meats and fish, mixed nuts, and other similar choices can be good ones.

4. Tool Kit or Multi-Tool

In all likelihood you’re going to need to screw things shut, nail them down, or make cuts. Having the right tools can make all the difference in the world.

5. Flashlight

When electricity goes out, you’ll need a way to see in the dark. Flashlight technology has come a long way in the last 15 years, and now super-bright LED flashlights can be had relatively cheaply. Don’t be caught without one.

6. Paracord

Paracord has many uses, from replacing shoelaces to being used as cordage or kindling. It’s not expensive, so make sure you have plenty on hand for when you might need it.

7. Firestarter

You may find yourself needing to stay warm during cold weather, whether you’re inside or out. If you have a fireplace, you’ll need a way to start it, and if you’re outdoors you’ll need a way to start a fire to stay warm. Make sure you have plenty of waterproof matches, kindling, and other ways to start a fire to keep warm.

8. Whistle

If you need to signal and don’t want to or find yourself unable to yell or scream, a whistle can be incredibly helpful.

9. Solar Charger

Even though you may not have electricity, cellular telephone networks may still be up and running. Make sure that you have a solar charger for you phone so that you can make calls, listen to weather reports, and keep up to date on when your power will be restored.

10. Batteries

Make sure to have plenty of batteries on hand to power your flashlights and other battery-powered devices. The last thing you want is to find yourself without batteries and with a whole bunch of equipment that you can’t use.

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