Home America Now RIP America: How the Coronavirus Killed American Freedom

RIP America: How the Coronavirus Killed American Freedom

by Paul-Martin Foss

Americans like to think of themselves as a free people. We enjoy freedom of religion, free speech, the right to bear arms, and other rights that billions of people around the world can only dream of exercising. Yet here we are, cowing like slaves to the demands of governments that are using the threat of a virus to exercise an unprecedented level of control over the entirety of our society. Even worse, many Americans are praising their political leaders for their exercise of dictatorial power.

Let’s get one thing straight: the COVID-19 virus is not a major health issue. It’s not the second coming of the Black Death or smallpox. Caused by a virus of a type similar to those that cause the common cold, this virus won’t kill as many people as even the flu. The virus is already out in the wild all over the country, and forcing schools, churches, restaurants, and bars to shut down won’t stop its transmission.

The nature of human activity is that social interaction is inevitable. You can’t buy anything or go anywhere without coming into contact with someone, and inevitably receiving that person’s germs. From the person next to you in line at the grocery store, to the UPS driver delivering your Amazon package, to the factory worker assembling the item you ordered online, bacteria and viruses are all around us. To think that any government action could limit their spread is the height of folly, like the belief that King Canute could command the sea to obey him.

But governments and health authorities believe that they have the power to do that, as though they can give a command and viruses will automatically stop spreading. Closures and quarantines won’t stop the spread of this virus, only time will. Every American will eventually be exposed to this virus, assuming we haven’t already been exposed to it. Yet we hear people like Anthony Fauci calling for a 14-day national shutdown, or a ban on domestic travel. We hear people say things like “it’s simple math” to call for a full lockdown of the country. Are these people really so stupid that they think that is feasible?

Most major cities are only a few days away from complete mayhem. Once stores run out of food, looting and violence will break out. A 14-day shutdown is just not possible, it would mean the literal breakdown and destruction of our entire society. Yet the geniuses coming up with these ideas don’t care, as they just want to stroke their own egos and believe that they’re heroes fighting this horrible plague.

This virus is nothing more than a more virulent form of the cold. People die every year after catching cold, especially the elderly. They develop respiratory infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia, which leads to their death. This isn’t anything new. But to a nation of people largely unfamiliar with how the common cold can be deadly, and who are easily swayed by supposed “experts” in public health, the media sensation whipped up to sell this virus has them in an uproar. And that’s why we’ve seen empty store shelves and rationing of bottled water and toilet paper.

When will this madness end? When will Americans rise up and say, enough is enough? How many weeks or months of government-mandated social isolation will it take before Americans wake up to the reality that COVID-19 is a paper tiger, and that their governments have been talking out their asses this whole time? What will it take for Americans to start thinking for themselves and realizing that they’re being fed a huge, steaming pile of bullshit? People who don’t question what’s happening right now don’t deserve to be free.

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