Home Survival Going Stir Crazy? Here’s How to Survive Your Quarantine and Isolation

Going Stir Crazy? Here’s How to Survive Your Quarantine and Isolation

by Richard A Reagan

Every day seems to bring yet another state whose governor decides to follow the crowd and issue a stay-at-home order. And while many Americans would willingly thumb their noses at such orders, the fact is that so many businesses have shut down that there just isn’t anything to do outside the house. There are only so many groceries you can buy, and so many gardening supplies you can get from Home Depot. And for those living in apartments who can’t easily get outside to enjoy the warming weather, it can be very easy to go crazy. So how to overcome the isolation of staying at home?

Head over to Modern Survival Online to ready about seven mental tricks that can help you survive quarantine and isolation. With most states looking like they’re going to have at least two more months of this stay at home nonsense, learning how to stay sane while you’re cooped up could be just what you need to keep your mental health intact in the coming months.

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