Home America Now Is Your State Next? Newsom Orders All California Voters Be Sent Mail-In Ballots for November

Is Your State Next? Newsom Orders All California Voters Be Sent Mail-In Ballots for November

by Margaret Marie

Heads up to all voters living under Democratic governorship: mail-in voting for the upcoming November elections may soon be coming to your state. California Governor Gavin Newsom has officially taken the lead among his Democratic governor colleagues by ordering on May 8 by executive order that every voter in the state receive a mail-in ballot ahead of the November general election. The governor cited public health concerns due to the coronavirus. Voters will still be able to access in-person voting, however every voter in California has now been highly encouraged to use the mail-in method.

The Democratic Party has now been fully embracing and pushing for all states to adopt mail-in voting while Republican Party leaders, including RNC Spokeswoman Ronna McDaniel and President Donald Trump, have vocally rejected the idea.

Democrats like California Senator Kamala Harris, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, and Oregon Governor Kate Brown have been pushing for nationwide mail-in voting. Harris authored the “VoteSafe Act,” which would require that every state have early in-person voting periods of at least 20 days before the November general election and mandate that every state allow no-excuse mail-in absentee ballots. Harris’ legislation would cost taxpayers $5 billion to implement. She praised Newsom for his executive order, as did former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who also pressed for the rest of the nation to follow Newsom’s lead. Other Democrat governors in swing states such as Pennsylvania have continued their push for voters to sign up for mail-in ballots.

Meanwhile, Ronna McDaniel noted that Democrats are suing to eliminate safeguards that would be badly needed for a mail-in voting system, such as ballot signature verification, Voter ID, and a ballot receipt deadline of Election Day – all safeguards which 62% of voters support. These are protections which even former candidate Barack Obama once supported, and which Democratic strategist Nate Silver’s organization FiveThirtyEight has said would be necessary for states implementing mail-in voting. In fact, due to these issues, FiveThirtyEight has said that it believes “few states are prepared” to make the switch.

The media has painted Trump and the Republican Party as “voter suppressors” for denouncing mail-in voting, yet even the liberal Brennan Center think tank admitted that “mail ballots are more susceptible to fraud than in-person voting.” Of course, the Brennan Center attempted to make this seem not as big of an issue by saying you are “more likely” to be “struck by lightning than to commit mail voting fraud.”

Nevertheless, while the Brennan Center is reluctant to admit it, there are hundreds of proven instances of voter fraud in recent years, including mail-in and absentee voting incidents – as is currently being documented by the Heritage Foundation.

Gentry Lange, the director of the No Vote By Mail Project in Seattle, Washington, noted recently in the MinnPost several instances of massive voting mishaps and serious negative electoral consequences that have occurred as a result of mail-voting in Washington. One major incident involved 47,000 votes not being counted in this spring’s all Vote-By-Mail (VBM) primary election cycle.

So why are Democrats so willingly oblivious to these major issues that have major effects on the faith of voters in our electoral system? It is obvious that in their rage against the President, they care more about making political talking points about “social justice” and “public health” than secure elections.

It is possible to keep voters safe while they vote in person at polling places, as was shown recently by Wisconsin. By the way, among other issues with their absentee and mail-in ballots in their April primary, thousands of Wisconsin voters who sought to vote by mail did not even receive the ballots they requested in time to vote.

Voting is arguably your most sacred duty and right as an American citizen. It is a duty we often take for granted, as is shown by our turnout averages.

It is certainly not something to be tampered with by a White House-hungry political party. Common sense tells you, if something ain’t broke, don’t fix it. For the sake of a free republic, although it may not be politically expedient, that goes for elections as well.

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