Home America Now The Silver Lining of President Trump’s COVID Diagnosis

The Silver Lining of President Trump’s COVID Diagnosis

by Robert Wayne

The whole country, and indeed the world, is waiting with bated breath to see how President Trump fares after confirming that he has contracted COVID-19. With more and more senior White House officials, Senators, and Trump campaign personnel coming down with the disease, one can’t help but wonder whether COVID wasn’t in fact a method of biological warfare. Certainly if the Chinese had tried to develop a disease that would infect the US President, they couldn’t have done any better than COVID. But there are some definite positives to President Trump’s diagnosis.

While there have been scattered news reports claiming that President Trump’s case is more serious than it appears, Trump himself is doing everything he can to dispel the notion that he’s in trouble. He continues to tweet on a regular basis, went for a drive to wave to fans outside Walter Reed hospital, and generally shows no signs that he’s suffering from anything worse than a cold. Certainly his case seems to be milder at this point than UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s case was.

Assuming Trump recovers from COVID (and there’s about a 98% certainty of that), it will do two things. First, it will demonstrate that COVID isn’t the deadly plague that so many easily bamboozled Americans think it is. Even though Trump is old, overweight, and not in the best health, if he can kick the disease then so could anyone. And all those 20- and 30-somethings who think they’re being oh so virtuous by wearing masks 24/7 might finally realize that COVID isn’t something to be deathly afraid of. There couldn’t be anything better than a President who is a real life test case for COVID, who has faced it and can say that it really wasn’t anything to worry about, and that Americans shouldn’t believe the narrative the mainstream media is trying to push.

Secondly, a Trump recovery should provide a boost to his polling in November. Now that Trump has had COVID, his chances of contracting it again will be lower, at least for the next several months. You can’t say that for Joe Biden, who will continue to live in fear and hiding lest he too come down with the virus. Trump’s recovery would be a sign of strength, would garner sympathy from voters, and would put to rest any questions about his ability to lead in the future.

Let’s pray that President Trump’s recovery is swift, and that those around him similarly don’t suffer any lasting repercussions from COVID. And let’s hope that the spotlight on Trump’s COVID case causes millions of Americans to realize that COVID isn’t the deadly killer the mainstream media makes it out to be, and that we should be able to go about living our lives again, free from overbearing governments ruling by emergency decree.

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