Home America Now Socialists Are Finally Letting the Mask Slip, and It’s Not Pretty

Socialists Are Finally Letting the Mask Slip, and It’s Not Pretty

by Robert Wayne

If there’s been a positive side to the riots and violence that have beset numerous American cities over the past several months, it’s that we can finally see the left for what it really is. All the talk of tolerance, diversity, freedom of speech, blah, blah, blah, was just that – talk. In reality, the left used that talk to conceal its true motives, a complete socialist takeover of the US.

Now that they think their end goal is in sight, they’ve begun to let the mask slip and to push harder for that goal. They may have miscalculated by pushing too soon, however, which could be to our advantage and their disadvantage. But the face they’re showing isn’t a pretty one.

One example of that was a tweet by Dick Costolo saying “Me-first capitalists who think you can separate society from business are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution. I’ll happily provide video commentary.” Costolo, for those who don’t know, was the CEO of Twitter from 2010 to 2015, and has an estimated net worth of $300 million. These are the kind of people running the tech world today, and in fact much of American business.

Costolo’s tweet was in response to news that cryptocurrency firm Coinbase had offered disgruntled employees wanting to push the company in a social justice direction a buyout if they weren’t happy with the company and its actions. That’s a perfectly reasonable thing for Coinbase to do, separating business activity from political activity. But to the snowflakes working for Big Tech today, they seem to expect their companies to latch on to every leftist cause du jour. Heck, employees at Spotify are even trying to demand editorial control over the company’s production and publication of Joe Rogan’s podcasts. What chutzpah!

Entitled leftists like Costolo believe in corporate social responsibility, that corporations have a responsibility to respond to societal issues and concerns, at least when those concerns come from the left. That means donating to BLM, LGBTQ causes, climate change organizations, etc. Were a company to announce donations to anti-abortion groups, crisis pregnancy centers, or Second Amendment organizations, Costolo and his ilk would undoubtedly go apoplectic.

Costolo and his comrades have no sympathy for conservatives or anyone else who disagrees with them. And they want to use their power and influence to silence us forever. Are you going to let that happen, or are you going to fight back to make sure these socialists never come anywhere close to the levers of power?

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