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COVID Lockdowns: A Giant Chinese Scam?

by Robert Wayne

Nearly a year after COVID-19 first came into the public eye, we still don’t know much about the origins of the virus. Whether it was a naturally occurring virus that somehow jumped to humans, an inadvertent leak from a laboratory, or a deliberately created virus will likely remain unknown for some time to come. But what we do know is that, in the country in which it first came to prominence, China, official statistics show infection and death rates far lower than most other countries. That seems highly implausible.

Whereas the US has officially recorded over 13 million cases and over 270,000 deaths, China has recorded 86,000 cases and 4,600 deaths. Those case numbers for China are on par with countries such as Bahrain, Libya, and Denmark, while its death numbers are on par with Switzerland, Portugal, and Guatemala. So how did China escape COVID, while the rest of the world didn’t?

There are a number of different possibilities. One is that COVID just happened to mutate to become more deadly after it left China. Another is that China’s numbers are vastly underreported, and actual case and death numbers are far higher. And another is that China’s lockdowns were highly effective in stopping the virus. But if China’s lockdowns were effective, why weren’t those in the West equally as effective?

The answer to that could be that the very fact that COVID lockdowns took place was part of an elaborate Chinese scam to destroy the West. Remember that COVID first rose to public importance around the time China was negotiating a trade agreement with the US. What better time to get back at its adversary than at a time like that? There’s every indication that the global push for lockdowns was part of a giant Chinese misinformation and propagand campaign that has been more successful than the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ever could have imagined.

The only reason governments around the world mirrored the Chinese approach was that they believed China’s response was effective in combating COVID. But an increasing amount of evidence is showing that the perception of the effectiveness of China’s lockdown was largely the result of a massive campaign of social media disinformation on the part of the CCP. Through hundreds of thousands of bot accounts, the CCP spread the message that its lockdowns were effective in halting the spread of COVID.

The World Health Organization (WHO) was taken in, as were governments around the world. And as a result, countries around the world purposely damaged their economies, causing economic destruction rivaled only by the Great Depression, in a futile effort to stop COVID.

It isn’t as though any of this couldn’t have been seen in advance. Civil liberties advocates have been arguing against lockdowns for months, as have those who understood COVID for what it really is. But facts and critical thinking mean nothing to government officials, especially those who see COVID as an excuse to exercise more control over society. And so we end up having to suffer the effects of these lockdowns, which may yet rear their ugly heads again. Will we Americans finally rise up against the purveyors of lockdowns and tell the emperor that he has no clothes, or will we give up with nary a whimper as our cherished freedoms disappear forever?


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