Home Survival Staying Warm in Winter Without Electricity

Staying Warm in Winter Without Electricity

by Anthony Buckley

There aren’t too many people who want to live off the grid. Being responsible for your own electricity, gas, heat, and water can be a real pain, especially if you’re not used to it. But as recent events in Texas have demonstrated, even those who are on the grid may suddenly find themselves off the grid through no fault of their own.

Especially in places like Texas, where homes and insulation aren’t built to the same standards as they are in, say, New England, you may find yourself suddenly facing interior temperatures far lower than you’re used to. And if you’re not prepared for that and not prepared to keep yourself warm, that could prove to be fatal.

Having a fireplace or a wood stove is obviously helpful, but staying warm can also be done just by keeping heat from leaving your house, just as much as it is by actively heating the house. Take a look at the Homestead Survival Site to learn more about all the ways you can keep yourself warm, whether you purposely stay off grid or whether you find yourself out of power for days at a time and need to stay warm.

While in most cases power comes back quickly, in the recent unpleasantness in Texas, many homes were without power for days, at a time when temperatures dropped into the single digits. That’s already difficult enough for people who come from colder climates, but it’s incredibly difficult for those who aren’t used to the cold and who aren’t prepared for it.

Wherever you find yourself or however you keep your home warm, make sure that you follow the useful tips to keep yourself warm in winter. You never know when you’re going to be on your own and without power, so the more methods you learn to make and preserve heat indoors in winter, the better.

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