Home America Now Lessons Gen. Flynn Learned From the Deep State

Lessons Gen. Flynn Learned From the Deep State

by Anthony Buckley

President Trump’s tenure was marked from day one by an unprecedented attempt on the part of the deep state to overturn his election and undermine his governance. But he wasn’t the only target of the deep state’s ire. Anyone connected to Trump was viewed as fair game, pawns to be targeted to show Trump that no one was safe from the deep state’s machinations.

One of the targets of the deep state was Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and President Trump’s first National Security Advisor. Flynn’s case was a complete setup, with the government having absolutely no case. The entire case against Flynn revolved around so-called “302 reports” filed by FBI agents talking to Flynn.

The agents lied to Flynn about the purpose of their conversation with him, claiming they just wanted to talk with him, when in fact they were investigating him. 302 reports aren’t a verbatim account of what was said, but are rather recollections of the agents that can’t be verified. And the 302 reports filed by agents who talked to Flynn, including disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok, were later modified to seem more incriminating to Flynn.

Once the Bureau’s misdeeds came to light, the Department of Justice’s case began to collapse. The Department sought to dismiss the case, but Judge Emmett Sullivan refused to allow that to happen, instead appointing essentially his own prosecutor to try the case in an unprecedented overstep of judicial authority. It took a pardon from President Trump before Sullivan reluctantly closed the case against Flynn.

The fact that someone as powerful and well-connected as Flynn was able to be the victim of such a malicious prosecution shows not only that the deep state is incredibly powerful but also that no one is immune from being terrorized by it. Flynn only pleaded guilty because the government threatened to prosecute and imprison his son if he didn’t. It was a clear cut case of extortion, but that’s how the deep state operates.

That’s why, when Flynn called for President Trump to impose martial law last year, one can understand where Flynn was coming from. While it seems scary that a former general can call for martial law, the fact is that Flynn saw how powerful the deep state is, and he probably believes that the deep state can only be overthrown through the use of overwhelming force. Right now the military may still have plenty of officers who understand the danger of the deep state. But President Biden’s coming purge of conservatives could ensure that the military will no longer be a source of opposition to the deep state.

Flynn’s experience going up against the deep state was a harrowing one, but he learned some valuable lessons from it. You can read more about his experience at the Western Journal. His ordeal should serve as a warning to Americans that the deep state is up to no good, and that it needs to be fought tooth and nail at every turn.


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