Home America Now Employers Sidelining Employees Critical of Critical Race Theory

Employers Sidelining Employees Critical of Critical Race Theory

by Anthony Buckley

With so many employers struggling to find workers, you would think that they would be doing anything they can to retain the employees they currently have. Yet more and more employers seem to be trying to ostracize their existing employees, especially conservatives. Whether it’s in the form of vaccine mandates or mandatory critical race theory (CRT) training, employers are toeing the Marxist line more than ever before. And many Americans are losing their jobs because of it.

A contractor for toy company Hasbro was recently fired for blowing the whistle about the company’s mandatory critical race theory training for its employees. The irony of the firing is that the employee in question is a black man. But kudos to him for standing up to CRT.

Hasbro’s CRT training apparently taught that children were learning racism as young as two years old, and that by age five their racial attitudes were already largely fixed. Apparently the company’s goal was to try to push CRT through its products, and the employee objected to what he saw as a push to indoctrinate children.

It’s a shame that he paid for his convictions by being fired, but at least he brought some publicity to the fact that major corporations are tripping all over themselves trying to be as woke as possible. For conservatives, it is becoming increasingly difficult, if not impossible to work in corporate America.

Large corporations are dominated by leftists and anti-capitalists, who are using the tools created by entrepreneurs and capitalists to enforce their desires on others. Pretty soon, the only way you’ll be able to survive as a conservative in any large corporation is by completely hiding your views and pretending to be a leftist yourself.

What really needs to happen is for conservatives to get vocal and refuse to bow down to creeping leftist infringement on our way of life. If we fail to stand up today, we’ll have nothing to complain about in a few years when being a card-carrying leftist will be almost a requirement in order to get a job.

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