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Has President Biden Lost His Mind?

by Robert Wayne

Rumors of President Biden’s mental acuity, or lack thereof, continue to swirl both in Washington and on the internet. We’ve all seen the President struggle to speak in public, refuse to take questions that haven’t been pre-vetted, and in general act like a doddering old fool. There have even been leaked stories about how White House staffers turn off the TV whenever Biden speaks, because they don’t want to hear the latest instance of him putting his foot in his mouth.

Many mainstream media outlets have also been working overtime trying to apologize for Biden’s faults, explaining that it’s just right-wing media who are trying to blow things out of proportion and that there’s really nothing wrong with the President. But those explanations are beginning to ring hollow.

US Climate Envoy John Kerry recently spilled the beans in an interview with French TV, in which he claimed that Biden had not been aware that the US nuclear submarine deal with Australia had resulted in a major falling out with France. If you find that hard to believe, you’re not alone.

Every news outlet in the country featured news coverage of the deal, in which Australia went back on its submarine deal with France to purchase submarines from the US. These same news outlets featured coverage of the diplomatic kerfuffle that ensued, with France recalling its ambassadors to both the US and Australia as a result. And according to Kerry, Biden was completely unaware that any of this was going on.

Who is in charge here? Isn’t Biden the President? Shouldn’t he have known that this agreement would anger France? Wasn’t he paying attention to the news? Weren’t his advisors informing him of what was going on?

It’s almost as though Biden lives in a bubble, with his inner circle spoon-feeding him only the information they want him to know. And so he just glides through life not knowing anything about what is going on outside the White House, or maybe even outside the Oval Office.

Biden appears not to be in charge at all. Rather, his handlers are the ones who really have their hands on the levers of power. Biden is just a figurehead they trot out for public appearances, while in reality a bunch of unelected political appointees are running the country.

More and more each day we realize the dire state our country is in. The possibility that our President may not even be in control of the country underscores the fact that everything we thought we knew about our government and its leaders could be completely wrong. And until we confront the reality that we’re possibly being ruled by bureaucrats and not by elected officials, we’ll continue going to the polls and wondering why we never get the results we really want.

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