Home America Now Biden Administration Activates FBI Against Incensed Parents

Biden Administration Activates FBI Against Incensed Parents

by Anthony Buckley

In keeping with the Biden administration’s newfound focus on “domestic terrorism,” the Department of Justice has directed the FBI to address threats to school boards, school administrators, and teachers. This is the result of highly publicized recent incidents in which parents have expressed their displeasure at the fact that their children are being indoctrinated in Critical Race Theory (CRT) in their schools.

The obvious response of school administrators should be to accede to parents’ wishes, as parents not only fund schools through their payment of property taxes, but they are also the sole people responsible for their children’s well-being and upbringing. But in the mind of Democrats, such as Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, parents have no business determining what their children should learn. Democrats want the state, and the leftist bureaucrats who work for the state, to determine what children are taught.

The reality of what Democrats have in store for our children is finally waking up many parents who blindly thought that their children were being taught reading, writing and arithmetic. Instead, they’re being bombarded with indoctrination about race, racism, and reparations. And that just isn’t sitting well with a lot of parents.

It’s understandable that parents who are being bilked out of thousands of dollars of property taxes every year are upset at their children being turned into socialist drones. But the Biden administration thinks that those upset parents are nothing more than domestic terrorists, and has decided to put the full force of the federal law enforcement apparatus to use against those parents.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Attorney General Garland’s daughter is married to the founder of an educational consultancy that pushes CRT, and that profits through multi-million-dollar contracts with school boards around the country. After all, aren’t government officials supposed to protect the well-being of their offspring’s business ventures?

If this had been the Trump family, you can guarantee that this would have been all over the news. But because the mainstream media is in bed with the Biden administration, you’re hearing nary a peep.

More people need to be aware of what’s going on, and how the government is using its power to run roughshod over our rights and benefit rich, entitled leftists. If we don’t stand up for ourselves now, we may never get another chance.

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