Home Survival What to Do When You Lose Power

What to Do When You Lose Power

by Robert Wayne

We’ve all experienced it. A big storm comes through, the lights flicker, and all of sudden we lose power. In most instances the power loss resolves itself within a few minutes, and everything is back to normal. But occasionally those power losses can drag on, sometimes for hours or even days.

If you have the misfortune of having a tree fall on your power lines or taking out a transformer, you might spend days without power. And in a world completely dependent on electricity to complete all the daily tasks we take for granted, losing power can feel like the end of the world.

We’re so used to having electricity available all the time that we often don’t know what to do when we don’t have it. And many of us don’t have a plan for what to do when we lose it.

If you’ve experienced the loss of electricity and didn’t know what to do, Food Storage Moms has a list of 20 things you can do when the power goes out. It’s an exhaustive and comprehensive list, and one which covers all the necessary bases.

Too often we’re confronted with a situation such as one in which we lose electricity and we flounder because we don’t know where to start. But with a list of 20 things to do when the power goes out, you can create your own personal checklist so that when the power goes out you’ll be prepared.

It can help to print out a list and have it ready with a bug out bag, emergency candles, or whatever survival accessories you have on hand. Then when the power goes out you can refer to your list, checking off items as you go. Certainly the peace of mind you’ll get when seeing that you’ve managed to do everything that’s necessary can help you weather a power loss, even if it does end up taking a while for you to get your power back.

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