Home America Now JK Rowling Provokes the Ire of the Woke Mob

JK Rowling Provokes the Ire of the Woke Mob

by Anthony Buckley

It’s a good thing that social media is online only and doesn’t completely dominate the real world, although its impacts are affecting the real world to an increasing extent. That’s because the world of social media has turned truth and reality on its head and is increasingly turning into the type of dystopian world envisioned by George Orwell’s 1984.

Harry Potter author JK Rowling has once again provoked the ire of the woke Twitter mobs by her insistence that men are men and women are women. She was motivated to post because of a proposed law in Scotland that men who claim to be women will be treated as women for purposes of criminal law, even if they have no diagnosis of gender dysphoria and even if they haven’t undergone surgery or hormone treatments.

Rowling, like many women, is justly worried that this would allow untold numbers of perverts to access women’s bathrooms, changing rooms, etc. to harass girls and women. There have already been numerous cases of men claiming to be women harassing and even raping girls and women. And the problem could get even worse if this type of nonsense is allowed to continue propagating through our society.

But for tweeting her incredulity that someone with a penis could ever be considered a woman, Rowling was castigated by leftist mobs on Twitter. Never mind the fact that she considers herself a feminist. Never mind the fact that she sees nothing wrong with and has never said anything critical of transgenderism. To state biological truth today is enough to call down all the forces of the left so that you’re categorized as hateful and bigoted.

This isn’t the first time Rowling has angered leftist transgender activists, and kudos to her for sticking to her guns. She is setting an example for the rest of us that we can’t give in to the forces of the left, but have to stand strong against their craziness. The truth will eventually win out, but in order for it to do so, we have to stand strong and speak the truth and refuse to be shouted down by the woke mob.

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