Home America Now AOC Calls for Fascism to Defend Democracy

AOC Calls for Fascism to Defend Democracy

by Robert Wayne

In case you needed any more evidence that the left’s moaning and groaning about President Trump being a threat to democracy was nothing but crocodile tears, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (AOC) latest comments should make that clear. And it’s yet more proof that if you scratch a Democrat (or a democrat) you’ll find a fascist.

AOC is beside herself that the Senate is dragging its feet on considering President Biden’s Build Back Better legislation. She wants the Senate to pass it, and she wants President Biden to force the legislation into law by any means necessary. In her words, the President needs to “lean… on his executive authority” in order to get his legislation passed.

It’s funny that President Trump never did anything like that to try to get legislation passed, yet he was derided as a wannabe tyrant. Now we have Democratic Members of Congress, the same ones who bad-mouthed Trump, calling on President Biden to act like a dictator, and no one bats an eye.

The one thing AOC gets right is that the way the Senate operates is fundamentally undemocratic, and that’s by design. The Founders didn’t want a democracy because they understood that democracy results in tyranny. It’s nothing more than mob rule, and every society that has adopted democracy has ended up collapsing as a result of the conflict democracy necessarily engenders.

The Founders wanted us to have a republic, so that a simple majority couldn’t impose its will on the minority. They put in place numerous checks and balances, so that the government couldn’t impose its will on the people, and so that one arm of the government couldn’t impose its will on all the others. The more checks and balances, the more requirement for compromise, the less likely our rights were to be trampled on, or at least so the theory went.

While the federal government has certainly eroded many of our rights over the centuries, we still maintain many of the rights that have long since gone by the wayside in other countries, such as the right to free speech and the right to keep and bear arms. We have the system of checks and balances to thank for that. And if we want to maintain our rights, we have to stand strong against the would-be fascists of the Democratic Party such as AOC, who want a strong executive to trample all over us.

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