Home America Now Seattle Wanted to Transfer Police Building to BLM

Seattle Wanted to Transfer Police Building to BLM

by Anthony Buckley

The BLM protests that took place during the summer of 2020 left their mark on American society. And even today we’re still finding out more about just what happened during those protests.

The hands off approach of leaders in leftist cities like Minneapolis, St. Louis, and Seattle left many people shocked. And members of BLM and Antifa took full advantage of the situation.

Seattle was particularly noteworthy, as it was one of the handful of cities in which police came under direct attack in their own precinct buildings. And if it wasn’t bad enough that police were forced to abandon their buildings, the city was even thinking about transferring one of the police buildings over to BLM.

Yes, you read that right. The city wasn’t only going to not fight against the rioters, it was going to actively assist them by giving them a police building. That’s the kind of lunacy that only someone in Seattle could come up with, and even then it’s astounding just how harebrained a scheme that was.

Thankfully saner minds prevailed, and the proposal was scuttled. In fact, even BLM in Seattle decided that it would rather the police continue to occupy the precinct building. But the kind of mindset that would willingly roll over and cede property to those using violence is ingrained in the leftist leaders of today, who are fellow travelers with the rioters.

This is the type of mindset that those of us living in big cities and urban metropolitan areas have to deal with on a daily basis. It’s the type of mindset that has jettisoned common sense and any semblance of truth and merely reacts to what is happening in the moment.

Unfortunately, it’s also an incredibly difficult mindset to combat. The people who hold these beliefs didn’t come to them through the use of reason, so forget about trying to argue with them. And they control the police, so you can’t fight them and win (unless you’re one of their leftist allies). That’s why it’s becoming more important than ever to vote them out of office, so that they can’t continue to infect our country with their insane policies.

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