Home America Now Attack a Cop and Get Prosecuted… Or Not?

Attack a Cop and Get Prosecuted… Or Not?

by Robert Wayne

The first trials related to the January 6, 2021 protests at the US Capitol are getting underway, and they’re going as you would expect any show trial to, with the charged individuals being found guilty. Federal prosecutors haven’t shown any desire to actually pursue the truth, or to determine who threw the first punches. It’s just automatically assumed that anyone tussling with police that day was an aggressor, even when numerous videos show police violently assaulting unarmed protesters.

We all know, however, that the only reason these people are facing charges is because of their political beliefs. They supported President Trump, and so now they have to be made to suffer for it. Compare them to the Antifa and BLM protesters on the left, who attacked police stations and burned and looted department stores, many of whom were never even arrested, let alone are facing charges.

As if to make that any more clear, prosecutors in Washington, DC just dropped charges against a protester who attacked a DC policeman in 2020. Why drop charges against that attacker, and not those on January 6th? Well, you see, the guy who attacked the policeman in 2020 attacked a policeman who was protecting Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). Apparently in the eyes of DC prosecutors, Republican politicians are fair game, especially if they’re being attacked by leftists.

The irony is that the guy who attacked the policeman was part of a group of protesters angry about the death of Breonna Taylor in a no knock raid. And Sen. Paul had previously introduced legislation that would ban no knock raids. But hey, most of the protesters on the left don’t actually care about the issues they’re supposedly protesting over, nor do they care if they have common ground with Republicans. They just want to bash Republicans, because they’ve been brainwashed by the media and by their schooling to think that all Republicans are evil and heartless.

These people are unhinged, unthinking, and are just interested in engaging in violence and causing mayhem. And as the disparity when it comes to charging leftists versus conservatives shows, there are certainly more than a fair share of prosecutors who are encouraging that violence by being willing to throw the book at conservatives and let leftists skate with nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

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