Home America Now Calls for Justice Thomas to Recuse Himself Are Hypocritical

Calls for Justice Thomas to Recuse Himself Are Hypocritical

by Robert Wayne

You can tell when Democrats are really desperate when they start becoming even more unhinged than unusual and start grasping at any straws they can. For over five years, Democrats have been looking to nail President Trump, yet they can’t get anything to stick to him. Any sane person would have given up by now and returned to reality, but Democrats have invested so much into this witch hunt that they’re not about to give up now.

The only problem with this is that no one is exempt from Democrats’ fury. They don’t care at this point who becomes collateral damage, so visceral is their hatred of President Trump. And they’re willing to stop at nothing to get their way.

The January 6th commission has been operating for months now, trying to hoover up as much information as it can. Yet it has gotten no closer to proving what Democrats claim – that President Trump organized the takeover of the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Democrats will never find any proof of that, because it didn’t happen. But the commission has already made up its mind that Trump is guilty, and is now trying to find “evidence” to make its case. And since any case would likely eventually end up in front of the Supreme Court, they’re trying to make sure that their odds of prevailing under a Court that may lean Republican are more to their favor.

That’s why you’re seeing increased coverage of Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni Thomas, a prominent conservative activist. Democratic mainstream media outlets are trying to paint her as some sort of conspiracy theorist who was somehow involved with the events of January 6th, and they’re trying to tie her activism to Justice Thomas’ activity on the Court.

And that’s why you’re hearing calls from leftists such as AOC for Thomas to recuse himself from any cases involving the events of January 6th, or even to resign. They’re trying to couch their demands under the guise of ethics. But would any of these leftists recuse themselves if they were in Thomas’ position? Of course not.

They’re completely hypocritical, but they’re trying to make Thomas play by what they think is the alleged conservative playbook. Thank goodness Thomas thus far hasn’t given in to these calls, nor is he likely to. But this goes to show the levels to which leftists will stoop to get their way.

And it’s a reminder to conservatives that leftists don’t fight fair, so neither should we. If they’re not going to follow the rules of accepted behavior, there’s no reason for us to do so either, especially if doing so means handing them the victory. Like it or not, this is war and we’re playing for keeps.

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