Home America Now Why the Sudden Interest in Hunter Biden and His Laptop?

Why the Sudden Interest in Hunter Biden and His Laptop?

by Anthony Buckley

One of the greatest underreported stories of 2020 was that of Hunter Biden and his laptop. On the surface, it almost seemed so far-fetched as to be unbelievable. Surely the son of a former Vice President and current Presidential candidate couldn’t be so stupid as to leave an incriminating laptop in the custody of a repair shop and abandon it, could he?

But when you read about all the other things Hunter Biden has done, from his drug addiction, to leaving his IDs and drug paraphernalia in his rental car, to knocking up a stripper, et cetera et cetera, you begin to realize that, yes, he just is that stupid. After all, his whole life he has grown up as the son of what is the US equivalent of royalty, and he has never been told no or had to take responsibility for his actions.

And in 2020, Hunter Biden had the entirety of the US mainstream media backing him up. The story of Hunter’s laptop was broken by the New York Post, which quickly saw itself targeted by the Establishment. Left-wing mainstream media outlets like the Washington Post and New York Times either pooh-poohed the revelations or ignored them altogether. And Twitter actually blocked the NY Post’s Twitter account for days for their reporting on the laptop.

Some mainstream media outlets furthered claims by former intelligence officials that the laptop was a creation of Russian intelligence, intended to sow disinformation into the US news cycle to prevent Biden from beating Trump in the election. And despite all the subsequent revelations from that laptop, from the disgustingly perverted to those jeopardizing national security, you won’t see anything about it in the mainstream media.

Until today, that is.

The New York Times finally admitted about a week ago that the laptop was real and that it actually belonged to Hunter Biden. And now mainstream media outlets are falling all over themselves writing about the laptop and about Hunter Biden’s troubles. But they won’t admit they were wrong in 2020, and they won’t admit that they tried to bury these stories back then in order to help President Biden win.

Why the focus on Hunter Biden right now? Are they trying to forestall new information that might come out of Ukraine? Are they expressing buyer’s remorse that Biden is President, since his tenure so far has been an absolute failure? Have they been told that Hunter is about to be indicted, and are thus trying to get ahead of the news cycle?

As with anything in the mainstream media, it’s not just the details that are being reported that are key, it’s what’s being reported on, or what’s not being reported on. We know why Hunter Biden’s laptop wasn’t reported on in 2020. But we don’t know why the mainstream media has suddenly developed such a fascination with it. The answer to that question could be very interesting.

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