Home America Now The COVID Narrative Is Changing Before Our Very Eyes

The COVID Narrative Is Changing Before Our Very Eyes

by Robert Wayne

Remember when COVID was supposed to be a major threat to the health and safety of everyone in the world? It was hyped up as the next Spanish flu, a major killer that was going to wreak death and destruction on the whole world. But everyone seems to be over it, so what happened?

Governments are still trying to scare people into thinking that COVID is a major threat, even trying to implement mask mandates in some areas. But most people have seen through the ruse, and they’re not going to comply now that they realize COVID is a big nothing-burger.

Major figures like Bill Gates, who were once among the cheerleaders for COVID tyranny, are now among those walking back those claims. Now Gates is on record as saying that COVID is a disease of the elderly, kind of like the flu, with a low fatality rate. Gee, isn’t that what many of us were saying all along?

Now that those who have been vaccinated against COVID are succumbing to the disease and proving the ineffectiveness of the vaccines, we’re no longer hearing about how deadly COVID is and how everyone needs to get vaccinated against it. Even vaccinated and boosted Bill Gates has gotten COVID, from which he is suffering mild symptoms.

It’s almost funny watching these people change their tune right before our eyes, and acting as though the new positions they’re espousing are positions they’ve always held. In reality, the people who always claimed that COVID was much ado about nothing were accused of not following the science and of wanting people to die.

Many were banished from social media, fired from their jobs, or ostracized by friends and peers. And now we’re just supposed to pretend that everything is cool?

What really needs to happen is for Gates, Fauci, and everyone else who whipped the world into hysteria over COVID to face the music for their actions. They can’t be allowed to get away with what they did, locking down economies and completely upending our society. But if there’s one silver lining to all of this, it’s that more and more people have seen through the BS, so that hopefully the next time governments try to cower us into fear, more of will put our feet down and say “Hell No!”

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