Home America Now Top FBI Agent Forced Out After Allegations of Bias

Top FBI Agent Forced Out After Allegations of Bias

by Anthony Buckley

If you ever wondered why Hunter Biden has never faced charges for any of his wrongdoing, you may now have your answer. It could be that high ranking federal law enforcement officials were actively trying to hinder investigations into Biden’s activities.

Just recently a high ranking FBI special agent was forced out after allegations that he thwarted attempts at investigating Biden’s laptop. For all we know, he may have been the reason the story of Biden’s laptop was considered disinformation.

The agent, Timothy Thibault, was an assistant special agent in charge at the Bureau’s Washington field office. He had already been on leave after whistleblowers reported that Thibault attempted to stymie efforts at investigating the laptop, and was subsequently forced to resign.

Thibault apparently tried to mark the investigation as closed in order to keep the laptop from being investigated. He also allegedly attempted to mark the case in the FBI’s computer systems in such a way that it couldn’t be investigated again. And according to those who have seen his social media activity, he was a vocal and outspoken opponent of President Trump.

Hunter Biden’s laptop contained information not just on Biden’s business activities, but also photos and videos of him doing drugs, cavorting with prostitutes, and other unsavory and illegal activities. The laptop would be a gold mine for prosecutors, if one ever decided to charge him.

Dissatisfaction with President Biden may still result in Hunter facing charges at some point, but when that might happen is anyone’s guess. By slowing down the investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop at the outset, Thibault may have done enough damage to the case to prevent him from being charged.

After all, the most salacious details of the laptop are out in the public eye already. By the time prosecutors are able to confirm details and start levying charges, most people are going to think “Ho hum, we already know all about this.” In other words, justice delayed is justice denied.

More than anything else, however, Thibault’s case underscores the fact that there are plenty of malicious actors within the federal government making sure that their “team” wins, and that those they favor politically don’t face the consequences of their actions. And invariably these malicious actors favor Democrats and leftists, and attack Republicans and conservatives.

If there were ever an indication that the Swamp needs to be cleared, this is it. Let’s just hope that the next President has the fortitude to clear out the Swamp and keep it cleared.

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