Home America Now Catholic Pro-Life Speaker the Latest Victim of DOJ Persecution

Catholic Pro-Life Speaker the Latest Victim of DOJ Persecution

by Robert Wayne

If you needed any more evidence that the FBI and the Department of Justice are nothing more than the modern-day Stasi, the case of Mark Houck should eliminate any doubts. Houck is a nationally recognized speaker on pro-life issues who founded the group The Kings’ Men, devoted to helping men to become better fathers, husbands, and leaders.

Houck protested weekly outside a Planned Parenthood location in Philadelphia, something which made him a target for the left. Last October, he was accused of assaulting a clinic escort, which he claimed was self defense after the escort began to threaten his 12-year-old son and yell obscenities into his ear.

Local authorities found no reason to prosecute him, and a complaint filed by the alleged victim went nowhere after the alleged victim failed to follow up. You would think that would have been the end of things, but enter the Department of Justice.

DOJ informed Houck in July that he was the target of a criminal probe, but attempts to contact the Department through Houck’s attorney were met with no response. But a few days ago a heavily armed team of FBI agents went to Houck’s home, threatening to break down his door unless he came with them.

Apparently the Biden Justice Department is still smarting from the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. And even though local prosecutors saw no evidence of assault, the Justice Department is attempting to prosecute Houck for a violation of the FACE Act, a federal law that purports to make it illegal to block access to abortion clinics.

Never mind that there is no evidence that Houck did any such thing. In America today, the process is the punishment. And Houck will now have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and take time away from his ministries in order to defend himself against these spurious charges, which threaten him with 11 years in prison.

These types of targeted enforcement actions are intended to serve as a warning to the rest of us to keep our heads down and not to question the consistent leftward tilt of our society. So unless we start fighting back now, this problem of targeted political persecution will only get worse.

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