Home America Now Democrats’ New Push for Gun Control

Democrats’ New Push for Gun Control

by Richard A Reagan

The recent shootings in Nashville and Louisville continue to invigorate Democrats who are pushing to ban guns. But there’s a new twist that’s really frightening.

In many previous mass shootings the motives of the shooters have been personal vendettas against their victims. But we appear to be reaching a new era in which mass shootings are being pursued for ideological reasons. And the ideologues behind those mass shootings are increasingly coming from the Left.

Take the case of the Nashville shooter, a young woman who apparently started referring to herself with masculine pronouns and a male name, although it’s still not completely clear if she considered herself to be transgender. She apparently left behind a manifesto, which still hasn’t been released to the public.

There has been speculation that her frustration with the church’s teachings on homosexuality and transgenderism played some role in her actions. But she also apparently planned to attack other targets, and decided that certain potential targets were too risky due to their heightened security.

The Louisville shooter’s manifesto has been publicized, and his reasons for killing innocent people at the bank at which he worked were to highlight how easy it is to buy guns, to highlight the mental health crisis in this country, and to commit suicide.

It’s clear from these killings and many others that the people who commit them are severely mentally disturbed. But now, like the New Zealand shooter, they appear to be committed by people who are deliberately trying to kill innocent people in order to stoke the gun control debate and bring about repression from governments. 

In other words, crazy leftists are now saying, “Oh, you want to support the right to bear arms? Okay, I’ll buy some guns and kill you and your children. What are you going to do about it?”

It’s a devilish plan, as we know that every time one of these shootings occurs the Left reflexively calls for more gun control. Only now they’re giving us a new choice: give up your guns or our leftist fellow travelers will keep killing you.

The Left has even given up any pretense of caring about the victims of these shootings. What was the Biden administration’s response when the alleged transgender shooter in Nashville killed innocent Christian children? Biden decried the epidemic of violence against transgender women, stating that transgender people “shape our Nation’s soul.” 

The fact that the FBI has yet to release the Nashville shooter’s manifesto is possibly because the material in it is so incendiary that it will risk causing a backlash against the transgender community. But the government is more interested in protecting transgender people, even murderers, than it is in protecting the lives of its citizens. 

This is the stark reality going forward. Expect to see every mass shooting from here on become highly politicized and used to browbeat Republican elected officials into going along with gun control. If you want to retain your right to bear arms, you have to remain steadfast in your opposition to gun control and let politicians know that they can’t waver in keeping our rights secure.

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