Home America Now The Truth About Tucker’s Exit From FOX

The Truth About Tucker’s Exit From FOX

by Richard A Reagan

As the entire cable tv-watching, news-reading world knows by now, FOX has canceled Tucker Carlson’s evening show, Tucker Carlson Tonight. 

Except this could be a fatal mistake for FOX, because it was consistently the highest-rated cable news show with 3.5 million viewers.

But notice this little detail…

Tucker was one of the few political commentators with a significant overlap in viewership, with more Democrats regularly tuning in to watch him than liberal pundits like Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon.

Sure, many did so to stoke their rage but there’s probably another reason… one that could be the final nail in the coffin of liberal news media.

As cable news coverage has become more uniform in recent years, more people have looked to other sources, like independent media.
So despite being the centerpiece of a major cable news outlet like FOX, Tucker provided people with a dissenting viewport that often challenged the political and media establishments.

Just a couple days after his show’s cancellation, Tucker posted a video online that received 57 million views in less than 24 hours, addressing the American public about the current and future state of American political discourse.

While he didn’t get too specific in naming those who want to minimize political discourse in America, it’s not hard to guess which entities within the political and media establishments he was referring to.

This has posed an ongoing problem for the DC establishment that has sought increasingly more control over the mainstream media’s messaging in recent years. However, Tucker has routinely pushed back against this.

Just take his on-going dispute with The Pentagon, for instance…

Not only has Tucker been a tireless critic of the proxy war in Ukraine but he’s also exposed the woke agenda the military has been pushing.  

From maternity flight suits to diversity policies to Ukraine aid, the military was a favorite punching bag for Tucker Carlson. Now that he’s off the air, some Pentagon officials are quietly cheering his departure.

Just like woke policies that benefit corporations through ESG scores, often at the expense of shareholders and customers, so, too, do the Pentagon’s woke policies benefit the top brass at the expense of combat readiness and national security.

The Pentagon’s news service (defense.gov) even went so far as to publish an article written by Pentagon spokesman John Kirby entitled, Press Secretary Smites Host That Dissed Diversity in U.S. Military, which is essentially a 500 word screed against Tucker Carlson, belaboring a point that, according to them, should be obvious: The most fundamental responsibility of the US military is to ensure that it remains a place of inclusiveness and diversity.

Tucker, of course, fails to realize that. Ergo, no serious person should listen to Tucker. 
At any rate, that’s their convoluted logic.
Toward the end of the article, Kirby goes on to say, What we absolutely won’t do is take personnel advice from a talk show host or the Chinese military.. Maybe those folks feel like they have something to prove — that’s on them.”

It would be difficult to make this up. Although, we kind of wish we had.

All of this begs the question… what WAS the real reason that FOX canceled Tucker’s show last minute? This came as a total shock to everyone. After all, after Friday night’s show, Tucker gave his usual sign-off, saying he’d be back on Monday, same time, same place.

From there, it’s been a lot of speculation as to why he got the axe, much of it revolving around the $787 million Dominion lawsuit settlement.

But a more plausible explanation for Tucker’s departure came from Saagar Enjeti of the popular political opinion show, Breaking Points, while being interviewed by Russell Brand. Saagar got his start at FOX working for Tucker and the two have apparently remained friends.

According to Saagar, Tucker was canceled because he was “telling the truth about January 6th. He was one of the people who exposed Ray Epps and some of the other agent provocateurs that were present.”
Considering the government’s weaponization of January 6th against patriotic Americans, and their coordination with media outlets to stamp out “disinformation, it shouldn’t be surprising that it possibly led to Tucker’s removal.

The scenario that many pundits have put forth… that FOX and Murdoch simply wanted to go in a different direction is unlikely.
Yes, FOX had lost out on a good deal of revenue because of the ad boycott against Tucker. But the losses FOX has experienced since Tucker left show that it wouldn’t have made much financial sense to let him go simply because of that.

What was it then? 

As usual, it looks like we’re not getting the entire story from the mainstream media – both left and right – which seems to have been omitting crucial facts in order to do the bidding of the Washington establishment… ironically, the very thing Tucker constantly warned about.

One thing we likely do know is that Tucker wasn’t fired because of the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit, in which he played a minor role compared to some of the other FOX News hosts, despite the fact that Dominion has been taking credit for his exit.
Naturally, everyone is wondering where Tucker will go from here.

Despite the fact that he’s still under contract with FOX it’s unlikely that they’ll bring him back.

We know that Newsmax and a couple other cable news networks are interested. But he’d probably be wise to forego cable news altogether and either create his own online channel (after all, he’s done it once before with the Daily Caller) or go someplace like Rumble, where he’s not tied down by what he’s allowed to say

With the central government continually heaping more and more power upon themselves and shutting down opposing voices, it’s only a matter of time before they take control of the banking system and usher in a CBDC, which will give them absolute dominion over you. Will you be prepared?

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