Home Health Building Muscle After 50 — It Can Be Done

Building Muscle After 50 — It Can Be Done

by Jeremy Holcombe

Working out and exercising can become a little more difficult when we get older. There is just something a little tougher about lifting those weights once age starts to set in. While you may be in great condition and very healthy, building muscle after 50 is much more difficult than it was in the earlier stages of life.

There are tricks and techniques that will help you stay in shape or get into shape after 50. You won’t even have to touch a weight — you just need to dedicate a few minutes each day to some of the techniques below, and you will find that building muscle and staying fit after 50 is very doable.

How to Build Muscle After 50

Diet and Core Work

People worry about abs at any age. If you want toned abs that stay tight and help with overall fitness in other areas, then you really need to watch your diet. 80% of ab health is in your diet. Eat healthy, stay away from bad foods, and you will find that your ab exercises will work much better, building lean muscle faster.


Running, walking, and other types of cardio such as the elliptical or stair climber are all amazing ways to stay heart healthy, burn fat, and build muscle all at the same time. Not only will good cardio sessions build stamina, they will also build muscle in your legs, abs, and arms. Going hiking, swimming, or biking are also great ways to burn fat and stay healthy.

Using Your Own Body Weight

Pushing and pulling your own body weight has always been a popular way to stay in shape without any weights. These types of exercises have really become huge over the last decade with the P90X and Insanity Workout Programs becoming so popular. They are popular for a reason… they work! It doesn’t matter if you are over 50 or not, these moves will build muscle and keep you fit and healthy for years to come.

Staying fit and building muscle after 50 may be a bit more difficult than it was when you were in your twenties and thirties. However, using the exercise tips and techniques above, you will find that even at a later stage in life you can be heart healthy, fit, and build plenty of muscle.

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