Home Health Sperm Counts Declining in Developed World

Sperm Counts Declining in Developed World

by Sona Melkonyan

Analysts have warned that sperm counts have declined among males living in western countries; a concern that has not been proven to be true, until now. This alarming study has shown sperm counts have dropped by over 50 percent in the last 40 years with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Reasons behind this health issue have not yet been proven, but it’s certainly not one to ignore.

Some experts may be skeptical of the finding, but Dr. Hagai Levine, the lead researcher states  “If we will not change the ways that we are living and the environment and the chemicals that we are exposed to, I am very worried about what will happen in the future”. He emphasizes his high degree of concern by stating “the extent of the decline is a heartache.”

Possible Causes

External factors could have a major impact on your sperm count:

-Overweight – men who are obese can come across a problem because of the excess fat that will overheat the genital area.
-Smoking – smoking over a pack of cigarettes a day has shown to reduce sperm count.
-Alcohol – excessive alcohol intake can result in infertility and lower the production of sperm.
-Heat – because heat can cause a negative effect on sperm production, taking hot baths can almost stop sperm production entirely.
-Overworking – working too much can cause stress and fatigue which may also interfere with sperm production.
-X-rays – when getting an x-ray, it is important to make sure a protective apron is used. This will help shield your sperm from harmful effects.

Everyday Changes to Improve Low Sperm Count

Changes you make on a daily basis can boost your sperm count. Keep in mind you won’t see results right away; results will appear in 2 to 3 months.

-Exercise every day – even if it’s just 30 minutes, research has proven that exercise helps to balance your hormones.
-Cutting down on smoking – smoking cigarettes is already harmful to your overall health. It should come as no surprise that smoking affects sperm count, mainly by decreasing testosterone levels.
-Take multivitamins – multi vitamins provide vitamin E and vitamin C; these nutrients are important for normal sperm production.
-Manage stress- try to relax and live a stress-free life. High levels of stress can interfere with the hormones needed to produce sperm.

Although the concern is growing, it’s certainly not the time to panic yet. If your family is experiencing trouble conceiving after a year, a doctor’s visit may be necessary.

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