Home News Cher Offers to House 800,000 “Dreamers”

Cher Offers to House 800,000 “Dreamers”

by Remso W. Martinez

Reality is a foreign concept to some in Hollywood. As a result of the recent DACA fight in Congress, Hollywood celebrities have made it clear that they care more about illegal immigrants than US citizens. Case in point, the singer and songwriter Cher has, according to The Blaze, offered “to open up her 13,000-square-foot Malibu home to illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children…”

No one should hold their breath on whether or not this offer from Cher should be taken seriously since progressive celebrities have had a habit lately of breaking their promises, especially when they try to antagonize the President. Chelsea Handler, Amy Schumer, Jon Stewart, Lena Dunham, and others threatened to leave the country if Trump were elected, but sadly have not yet done so.

President Trump has tried to work with Democrats to try and sweep the DACA issue under the rug, recently having told lawmakers to make a fast decision on DACA without tying it to funding for the wall along the US-Mexico border. Many of President Trump’s supporters feel as if he has begun to backtrack on one of his primary campaign promises, with some commentators going as far as to say “Trump sold us out.”

Overall, support for and against DACA is more split than the mainstream media is making it seem, with sites such as Politico citing polls that show that a “majority wants Congress to establish [a] path to citizenship for DACA recipients” despite the fact that that majority actually wanted legislation that “allows Dreamers to stay and become citizens if they meet certain requirements” which is quite a different matter altogether. That majority would likely diminish significantly if the requirements weren’t strict enough, as only 45% of those polled thought that ending DACA was the wrong thing to do.

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