Home Health Every Moment You Inch Closer to Death, Start Living Like It

Every Moment You Inch Closer to Death, Start Living Like It

by Eric Lumpkins

Whenever you allow yourself to become irritable over small things, whenever you are petty or ungrateful you are implicitly behaving as if you’ll live forever. When you allow yourself to spend your time being negative over inconsequential things you are acting in a way that implies you have unlimited time to spend here on Earth. Either that or you truly do enjoy being a negative person, which I highly doubt.

Many people shove the fact that they will die deep down and repress it in order to never have to think about that uncomfortable reality. But by suppressing this basic principle of life you leave yourself vulnerable to wasting your time, spending it in unfulfilling ways, becoming engrossed in unimportant activities, and you ultimately forget about life’s bigger picture.

None of us knows precisely when we will die, but it is a guarantee that we will. Every moment we are inching closer to death and when you allow yourself to understand and accept that a sense of urgency should wash over you. You should be deathly afraid of living an unlived life, of not chasing your dreams and taking risks, of not pushing yourself, of not trying your best, of not becoming the person you want to be, and of not leading the most fulfilling life as possible. With the sheer abundance and level of opportunity that exists in today’s world, to not chase after doing something you love, that fills you with passion, and truly fulfills you is to waste your time.

Some Thoughts to Keep in Mind

  • In the grand scheme of things, from the perspective of the universe, a human life goes by incredibly fast, faster than a blink of an eye.

  • When you allow death to come to the forefront of your awareness you can suddenly realize how truly scarce your time is.

  • Time is the most valuable commodity you have and yet people constantly forget to use their time in ways that are in alignment with their purpose and fulfillment.

  • Stop waiting to live, stop putting off the things you love and value most, instead put those things at the very top of your priorities.

Learn to love each moment of experience for the sake of it and learn to appreciate the fact that you are here now, alive and existing, experiencing this life. The simple fact that you are alive should amaze you and fill you with love and gratitude, and the simple fact that you are going to die should invigorate you to live an amazing life and to appreciate each step along the way.

“Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways. – Stephen Vincent Benét

“We are always getting ready to live but never living.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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