Home Health The Power of Veggies

The Power of Veggies

by Eric Lumpkins

What we eat can very subtly affect our mood, quality of thoughts, energy throughout the day, and how our brains function. It can be difficult to notice. People can go years without making the logical connection between what they put in their bodies and how they feel consistently. Not very many people pay attention to these subtleties.

You can choose to blindly eat whatever tastes good or you can choose to eat based on how energized, focused, and alive you want to feel. Your dietary choices can massively affect your productivity and purposefulness, which will end up affecting your long-term happiness and true wealth.

Self-Reinforcing Cycles of Behavior and Thinking

If you are someone who is addicted to sugar, sweets, breads, or is at least a fiend for them, I’d venture to guess that you also have a bad habit of engaging in distractions and escaping the present reality. Eating poorly-made, short-term pleasure food, is a form of escapism.

The crappy food you put in your body is going to result in you being low-energy, mentally fragmented and unfocused, and you’re going to be unmotivated and lazy. You’ll be on a cycle going from eating bad food that then results in low-quality thinking and energy, which results in you being lazy‍, unmotivated, and pleasure-seeking, which makes you crave more crappy food.

Likewise, but in the reverse, eating healthy and nutritious foods will work to empower you to rise to better and better versions of yourself. When you’re present and purposeful you make the decision to eat healthily, and those foods will drive you towards being more present and more energized, leading to a self-reinforcing cycle of productivity, being purposeful, making the right choices for being your best self. You’ll find that you get enormous satisfaction out of depriving yourself of and deferring short-term pleasure. You’ll also find fulfillment and pleasure out of making the right decisions and choosing to continuously empower yourself.

Healthy foods empower you to be your best self. Junk food holds you back from your full potential.

Veggies Are Superfoods

Mainstream society’s diet is full of simple carbs and sugar, followed by low-quality dairy and meat.

The diet necessary for the endurance, energy, and awareness required to be your best and most productive self, is one predominantly made up of vegetables and healthy fats. That’s what your body’s main fuel should be: lots of healthy fats and complex carbs like vegetables. There is an abundance of amazing vegetables, so do some googling and get creative. You can get healthy fats from a variety of foods such as avocados, various nuts, eggs, grass-fed beef, and Greek yogurt.

Sugar and simple carbs give you short spikes of energy but then you crash and rapidly get tired, sleepy, and unfocused. If you replace all those sugary and bready foods with tons of vegetables and good fats you’ll have a clean, stable, and sustained level of energy. You’ll be much more productive, grounded, and focused.

Eat your vegetables.

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