Home Health From Scarcity to Abundance

From Scarcity to Abundance

by Eric Lumpkins

Join me on this quick thought experiment. Imagine right now someone else is transported into your consciousness and can experience everything it’s like to be you. On a scale of 1-10, what level of happiness, enjoyment, awesomeness, and gratitude do you think that person would rate your experience? Be totally honest with yourself. For most people, the chances are they don’t feel too great, and it is because they are trapped in scarcity.

Many people are overworked, tired, working a job they can’t stand, and really are just going through the motions. These people aren’t living, they’re essentially on autopilot. These are the types of people who look forward to the chances they get to escape reality and to escape from who they are. They look forward to drinking after work, watching TV, eating bad foods, and various other short-term physical pleasures that numb their mind.

The Mindset of Scarcity and Coping

When someone is stuck in a scarcity or coping mindset they are fixated on themselves. Imagine someone at a social gathering experiencing social anxiety, he is obsessively fixated on himself, negatively judging his actions and appearance, continuously attempting to regulate others’ perceptions of him. When you’re in scarcity it is your suffering that dominates your mind. It’s all about you, your problems, your cruddy situation, your suffering, and in essence “me, me, me, its all about me.”

Another aspect of the scarcity mindset is that it is all about taking, about “what can I get.” Instead of offering value, giving, and spreading positivity it’s about how can I get approval, more money, sex, pleasure, and many other things. Scarcity thinking is about filling a black hole with pleasure, approval, and ego-gratification. No matter how much you take you will never be fulfilled.

The Power of Abundance

Those living in abundance see the world in a completely different light. Those in abundance understand that they are not owed anything by anybody and that it is entirely up to them to control their quality of life. They have taken full responsibility for their emotions and their happiness.

Those thriving and living in abundance continuously practice gratitude and appreciation for all that they have, beginning with their life, as it is absolutely incredible and statistically unlikely for any of us to even be alive. The fact that we are alive is all that is needed to feel happy and complete.

By beginning with a foundation of gratitude for one’s life, and then by moving towards taking ownership and responsibility for one’s life, everything else is just a cherry on top. In abundance there is no “bad,” as all struggles and challenges are seen as amazing opportunities to learn, grow, and better oneself. There is appreciation for every moment and every experience, because our time and our lives are correctly recognized as being incredibly short and finite.

Most people currently living in abundance probably lived in scarcity previously and painfully learned their way out. These people have learned through painful trial and error that authentic long-term happiness and fulfillment is found in connection with others, in making others feel good and sharing good emotions, making the world a better place, applying and challenging yourself, discovering your passions, overcoming your limitations and internal blocks, striving to be the best version of yourself,  leaving it all on the table, taking massive action, becoming who you want to be, and living an amazing life of your creation. Short-term pleasure, ego-gratification, laziness, selfishness, and giving in to unconsciousness will NEVER find you fulfillment or happiness.

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