Home Breaking News A New Year Means New Technology

A New Year Means New Technology

by Jeremy Holcombe

The New Year is here, and so are all the new tech devices that have been rumored to make their grand entrance in 2014.

Just when we thought life could not get any simpler, technology decides to stir things up by adding smartwatches and interactive organizers into the mix. Portable devices are more portable than ever before, allowing you to control your entire life in the palm of your hand.

And according to ABC News, competitors of the Xbox One have started coming releasing newer prototypes of  the interactive television screen. As if switching from screen to screen with the swipe of your hand wasn’t already cool enough, Apple is rumored to already “be working on it’s own stand-alone television set.” Other TV sets are adding the Xbox One’s capability to control your viewing experience with voice commands.

FOX News meanwhile is reporting on Smart Eyewear, such as the much-anticipated Google Glass. Although these interactive glasses will still need some time to reach the general public, reports say that being able to wear these out on a day-to-day basis is not too far away.

But these are really nothing compared to the control boards that companies like Google and Apple are preparing to expand in 2014, says CNN.com. With these touchboards, life will be manageable with just the tips of your fingers. Some of these control boards will give you easy access to things like the diagnostics of your car, or control of all the lights in your house.

It’s clear that technology will never cease to surprise us. Watch out, techies, because this year will definitely be emphasizing the “new” in “Happy New Year!”

Sources: ABC News | FOX News | CNN

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