Home Health Stop Being a Victim in Your Relations With Women

Stop Being a Victim in Your Relations With Women

by Eric Lumpkins

“Women only care about looks, money, and status.” This is what men (more like adult boys) say as an excuse in order to avoid the fact that they are refusing to better themselves. It’s easier to remain a victim than to accept the fact that you need to change. The truth is money, looks, and status do not matter when it comes to getting women of all types to like you.

The Dirty Ugly Truth

You can be overweight, balding, broke, a nobody, and still get very attractive and high status women to like you and date you. The secret ingredients are outgoingness, free flowing expression, freedom from outcome, extreme non-neediness, and self-confidence. Those are the only things you need. They aren’t easy to obtain, but they are totally worth it, as having these qualities as a person will make all aspects of your life exponentially better.

The world’s largest and most successful dating company, Real Social Dynamics, is led by a short, chubby, balding ginger named Owen. He was someone who lacked all social awareness and had no social skills when he was younger, and through years and years of hard work transformed himself into someone who has come as close as you can get to mastering your psychology. Many people misconstrue what it is that RSD does, but at the root of it is a company that empowers people to become the best version of themselves, to face and overcome fears, to engage reality, and to transform themselves into confident, outgoing, and grounded people who chase their passions and create their reality.

Women want to have fun and to be carefree. They don’t want to deal with someone who is negative, thinks lowly of themselves, and who is stifled and insecure. This requires owning who you are, accepting yourself, and expressing yourself in a fun way regardless.

Be someone who offers value. You can do this through positivity, engagement, outgoingness, genuine desire to get to know, and through carefree fun. Don’t be someone who sucks value like a parasite. Take responsibility for your emotional state and for the actions you take. Lift yourself up and carry yourself, don’t rely on others to uplift you. It frankly does not matter what you look like, what job you have, what possessions you have, or how well known you are in order to have enjoyable experiences with women. Being a fun and genuine person is really all you need to be.

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