Home Health The Coming Global Paradigm Shift

The Coming Global Paradigm Shift

by Eric Lumpkins

The coming major global crisis is not what you think it is. It isn’t climate change, it isn’t war, or poverty, or any one specific issue. It goes much deeper and it potentially encompasses all of those issues and more. The major problem facing humanity is our deep desire to rid ourselves of responsibility, to not think, and instead to let powerful institutions and select people make important decisions on our behalf. And the coming revolution will be one in which we all have enormous responsibility thrust upon us. If we can embrace this responsibility, we will also find never before seen levels of individual freedom throughout the world.

Mass Societal Unconsciousness

People in society today do not want to think, they do not want responsibility, they do not want to face reality. Instead we habitually give up our power and our responsibility to corporations and governments. We allow them to dictate the course of our lives, to mold our society, and to make important decisions for us.

It is no wonder that so many of our institutions are rife with abuse and corruption, and exploit and underserve the majority in order to benefit the few and the powerful. This is true with our money and banks, healthcare systems, perpetual war, criminal justice systems, our economy, and all sorts of governmental policies.

This will not last forever. The tide is turning and the world is changing. People are growing increasingly unhappy with the status quo. The current model of governments and global economic organization is outdated, unstable, and reaching its final breath. A tidal wave of change is coming and the world is going to be thrust into a completely new paradigm.

Embracing Responsibility, Taking Action, and Creating Your Reality

Massive global change is inevitable. When governments worldwide buckle under the weight of unsustainable debt, enormous responsibility is going to be thrust onto everyone.

This is a good thing. We must allow the old to die off and embrace the new. The world very badly needs individuals who are entrepreneurial, problem-solving, hard working, and committed to making themselves and the world around them better. The people who begin down this path today, of taking responsibility and finding solutions, will be the ones who succeed and flourish the most in the new and coming paradigm.

What will you do to take responsibility? What will you do to improve the world ever so slightly? It begins by becoming a person who says no to allowing others to make choices for them and instead by being a person who fully commits to self-betterment, value-creation, engaging reality, and to taking full responsibility over your life.

It is on this path where you will find the most happiness and fulfillment, and also where you will do the most good for the world and for the lives of other people. Pursue that which drives you and easily motivates you. The trend of the future is working for yourself, so give your best effort at making your dreams become real. Nothing is out of the question and everything is possible. Don’t settle for mediocrity, and live a miraculous and exceptional life, one you are deeply proud of.

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